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引用本文:劳 赞,黄海立,符 韶,邓陈茂,刘志刚.珠母贝人工繁育优化技术的研究[J].海洋科学,2009,33(10):31-35.
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劳 赞1, 黄海立1, 符 韶1, 邓陈茂1, 刘志刚1
在室内水泥池分别进行了移池培育、不同种类附着器、光照强度、水流和冲洗对珠母贝附着幼虫变态和稚贝存活的研究,结果表明:附着密度为2.18个/cm2±0.50个/cm2时,移池培育,其变态幼虫密度为0.95个/cm2±0.13个/cm2,20 d稚贝存活密度0.41个/cm2±0.08个/cm2,移池培育显著提高附着幼虫变态和稚贝存活;附着板、附着绳、网片、小石块变态幼虫密度分别为0.70 个/cm2±0.08 个/cm2、1.38 个/cm2±0.15 个/cm2、0.97 个/cm2±0.12 个/cm2、1.04个/cm2±0.28个/cm2,稚贝存活密度分别为0.36 个/cm2±0.06 个/cm2、0.62 个/cm2±0.07 个/cm2、0.45 个/cm2±0.07 个/cm2、0.60个/cm2±0.08个/cm2,附着绳显著提高附着幼虫变态和稚贝存活;光照强度为300~600 lx时变态幼虫密度为0.87个/cm2±0.07个/cm2,20 d稚贝存活密度0.45个/cm2±0.08个/cm2,强光不利于幼虫的变态和稚贝存活;水流速为2.3 cm/s时变态幼虫密度为1.08个/cm2±0.07个/cm2,20 d稚贝存活密度0.87个/cm2±0.07个/cm2,冲洗的变态幼虫密度为1.64个/cm2±0.19个/cm2,20 d稚贝存活密度1.00个/cm2±0.12个/cm2,水流或冲洗显著提高附着幼虫变态和稚贝存活。
关键词:  珠母贝Pinctada margaritifera (Linne); 附着幼虫  稚贝  变态  存活
Study on optimum artificial breeding technology of Pinctada margaritifera
LAO Zan,HUANG Hai-li,FU Shao,DENG Chen-mao,LIU Zhi-gang
The metamorphosis of settled larvae and survival of young shellfish were investigated after different operations: changing ponds, different kinds of settlement media, light intensive, water current and washing. The results showed that changing ponds increased the metamorphosis of settled larvae and survival of young shellfish with survival density 0.41 shells/cm2±0.08 shells/cm2 of 20 d young shellfish when the larvae settlement density was 2.18 shells/cm2±0.50 shells/cm2. Metamorphic larvae density on settlement board, chord, net and small stone were 0.70 shells/cm2±0.08 shells/cm2, 1.38 shells/cm2±0.15 shells/cm2, 0.97 shells/cm2±0.12 shells/cm2 and 1.04 shells/cm2±0.28 shells/cm2, respectively. And the young shellfish survival densities were 0.36 shells/cm2±0.06 shells/cm2, 0.62 shells/cm2±0.07 shells/cm2, 0.45 shells/cm2±0.07 shells/cm2 and 0.60 shells/cm2±0.08 shells/cm2. Settlement chord increased significantly the larval metamorphosis and young shellfish survival. The metamorphic larvae density was 0.87 shells/cm2±0.07 shells/cm2 and the young shellfish survival density was 0.45 shells/cm2±0.08 shells/cm2 when light intensity is 300 lx to 600 lx. High light intensity was harmful to larval metamorphosis and young shellfish survival. The larval metamorphic density was 1.08 shells/cm2±0.07 shells/cm2 and 20 d young shellfish survival density was 0.87 shells/cm2±0.07 shells/cm2. After washing, the larval metamorphic density was 1.64 shells/cm2±0.19 shells/cm2 and 20 d young shellfish survival density was 1.00 shells/cm2±0.12 shells/cm2. Water current and washing increased significantly the larval metamorphosis and young shellfish survival.
Key words:  Pinctada margaritifera (Line)  settled larvae  young shellfish  growth  survival
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