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引用本文:田 美,申 欣,程汉良,孟学平.西施舌外套膜蛋白质组双向电泳体系的构建[J].海洋科学,2009,33(11):32-36.
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田 美1, 申 欣1, 程汉良1, 孟学平1
建立了西施舌(Coelomactra antiquata)外套膜蛋白质组的双向凝胶电泳体系,比较分析了不同pH梯度胶条、水化条件的优化及不同染色方法对双向电泳结果的影响。结果表明:用pH 4~7的非线性胶条,水化时加上除盐步骤,采用硝酸银染色,即可获得高分辨率、高重现性的双向电泳图谱,为进一步研究西施舌外套膜蛋白质的组成奠定了基础。
关键词:  双向电泳  蛋白质组学  西施舌(Coelomactra antiquata)  外套膜
Establishment of two dimensional electrophoresis system for proteome of Coelomactra antiquata mantle
TIAN Mei,SHEN Xin,CHENG Han-liang,MENG Xue-ping
Coelomactra antiquata is a high value economic shellfish which is famous treasure feast food and medical care of aquaculture consumption. The border cells of C. antiquata mantle can secrete calcium carbonate to form shells. By comparing the experimental analysis of different pH gradient strips, the optimal conditions of hydration, and different staining methods on the impact of the results of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, we established the mantle proteome two-dimensional gel electrophoresis system of C. antiquata, which provide the basis to study the protein composition of formation of C. antiquata mantle from the protein level case. The results showed that: using pH 4~7 with the non-linear strip, the inclusion of hydration desalting step, staining method using silver nitrate staining, can obtain the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis map with a high-resolution and high reproducibility which laid the foundation for further research the protein composition of C. antiquata mantle.
Key words:  two-dimensional electrophoresis  proteomics  Coelomactra antiquate  mantle
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