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引用本文:蔡英华,麦康森,艾庆辉,张文兵,刘付志国,谭北平,陈 伟.植酸对牙鲆生长和消化酶活性的影响[J].海洋科学,2009,33(11):82-89.
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蔡英华1, 麦康森1, 艾庆辉1, 张文兵1, 刘付志国1, 谭北平1, 陈 伟1
以鱼粉为主要蛋白源,在基础饲料中分别添加不同含量的植酸钠使植酸水平分别达到0.04%(对照组)、0.21%、0.44%和0.81%,研究不同含量植酸对牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)(2.58 g±0.01 g)摄食、生长和消化酶活性的影响。实验在室内循环水养殖系统中进行,为期10周。结果表明,植酸处理组牙鲆摄食率(2.4%、2.5%和2.4%)显著高于对照组(2.1%)(P<0.05),但植酸处理组之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。植酸处理组(59.47、61.27和64.82 U/mg蛋白)胃蛋白酶比活力显著低于对照组(79.34 U/mg蛋白),但植酸处理组之间差异不显著。各处理组之间牙鲆肝脏、肠和胃中淀粉酶比活力及肝脏和肠中蛋白酶比活力均无显著差异。随着饲料中植酸含量的增加,干物质和蛋白质表观消化率显著下降。同时,牙鲆特定生长率、饲料转化率、蛋白质效率和净蛋白质利用率随着饲料中植酸含量的升高均呈下降趋势,其中各处理组之间牙鲆特定生长率无显著差异,而植酸处理组饲料转化率(74.0%、73.7%和69.2%)则显著低于对照组(84.0%),0.81%植酸处理组蛋白质效率(1.37)和净蛋白质利用率(25.0%)显著低于对照组(1.64和30.6%)。本实验结果表明,随着饲料中植酸含量的增加,牙鲆生长性能和胃蛋白酶比活力呈下降趋势。植酸对牙鲆生长的抑制作用将随着其含量的升高或实验周期的延长突现出来。
关键词:  植酸  牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)  饲料  生长  消化酶
Effects of dietary phytic acid on the growth and digestive enzyme activities of Japanese flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus
CAI Ying-hua,MAI Kang-sen,AI Qing-hui,ZHANG Wen-bing,LIUFU Zhi-guo,TAN Bei-ping,CHEN Wei
A trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary phytic acid on the growth, digestive enzyme activities, apparent digestibility coefficients of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Four practical diets were formulated to contain 0.04% (control), 0.21%, 0.44% and 0.81% phytic acid. Each diet was randomly fed to triplicate tanks, and each tank was stocked with 35 fish (initial weight about 2.58 g±0.01 g). Fish were fed twice daily (08:00, 17:00) to satiate for 10 weeks. The results showed that feed intake (2.4%, 2.5% and 2.4%) in fish fed the diets supplemented with phytic acid were significantly higher than that of the control (2.1%) (P<0.05), but no significant difference was observed among the fish fed the diets supplemented with phytic acid (P>0.05). No significant difference in both amylase activities and protease activities of liver, intestine and stomach was found among dietary treatments except pepsin. The pepsin activities in fish fed the phytic acid supplemented diets (59.47, 61.27 and 64.82 U/mg protein) were significantly lower than that of the control (79.34 U/mg protein). The apparent digestibility coefficient of dry matter and protein decreased significantly with increasing dietary phytic acid. Specific growth rate decreased with increasing dietary phytic acid, but no significant difference was observed among dietary treatments. The feed conversion efficiency (74.0%, 73.7% and 69.2%) in fish fed the phytic acid supplemented diets was significantly lower than that of the control (84.0%), but no significant difference was observed among fish fed the phytic acid supplemented diets. The similar trend was found in protein efficiency ratio and net protein utilization. The protein efficiency ratio and net protein utilization in fish fed the diet with 0.81% phytic acid were significantly lower than those of the control. The results of the present study indicated that dietary phytic acid significantly depressed the growth and pepsin activity of Japanese flounder with increa sing dietary phytic acid and/or prolonging experimental period.
Key words:  phytic acid  Paralichthys olivaceus  diets  growth  digestive enzyme
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