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引用本文:王 雨,林 茂,林更铭.福建近海不同海洋功能区冬季浮游植物群落结构的比较研究[J].海洋科学,2010,34(2):33-39.
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王 雨1, 林 茂1, 林更铭1
2006 年12 月~2007 年1 月对福建省沿岸近海的浮游植物群落结构进行了大面积科学调查研究。结果表明, 冬季福建近海浮游植物隶属于55 属112 种(含变种、变型), 其中硅藻48 属97 种(含变种、变型), 甲藻5 属10 种, 蓝藻1 属2 种, 金藻1 属3 种。硅藻类在种类和细胞丰度上均占主导地位, 甲 藻类多分布在闽中近海及东山沿岸, 蓝藻类检出率降低, 金藻类检出率增高。表层浮游植物平均丰度为422.31×102 个/ dm3, 丰度分布呈闽南高, 闽中次之, 闽东低的态势。叶绿素a 的分布与浮游细胞丰度分布大体一致, 但在闽中、闽东近海存在近岸与远海的差异, 与优势类群的水平分布也有差异。福建近海赤潮生物种类较多, 是引发赤潮的潜在生物因素, 一些赤潮生物已在闽南、闽中局部海域成为优势种。与以往同期资料比较, 硅藻优势类群发生明显变化, 甲藻种类数和细胞丰度增多; 浮游植物细胞丰度明显增加, 但水平分布变化不大。
关键词:  福建近海  浮游植物  群落结构  赤潮生物  水平分布
基金项目:中国近海海洋综合调查与评价(908-01-ST06, FJ908-01-01-HS)
Comparative study on the community stucture of phytoplankton in winter in different oceanic function zones of Fujian seacoast
WANG Yu,LIN Mao,LIN Geng-ming
Based on a special campaign of oceanic research “908”, the community structure of phytoplankton of Fujian seacoast was investigated during December, 2006 to January, 2007 in order to compare phytoplankton distribution in different oceanic function zones. The result showed that 112 species belonging to 55 genus of phytoplankton in the study waters were identified, including variety, form and cyst. Among species compositions, diatoms contributed to 97 species of 48 genus, pyrrophyta contained 10 species of 5 genus, and others were lower. Diatom was dominant in phytoplankton community in terms of species and density. Pyrrophyta were mostly identified in middle seacoast and Dongshan island in the south of seacoast zones. Cyanophyta were rarely observed while Chrysophyta ralatively increased compared with historical data. The average density of phytoplankton was 422.31×102 ind/dm3 with a higher distribution situation in the south and middle, lower in the east of seacoast zones. The horizontal distribution of chlorophyll a was generally the same,as the with phytoplankton density distribution, but was different in seacoast zones and far-off ocean in the east, middle and in diminant species’ horizontal distribution. Red-tide species were in a large number. Some seacoast zones in south and middle areas were dominant by some red tide species. Compared with historical data, dominant species of diatoms variaed obviously. Pyrrophyta increased was to grow in species number and density. The quantity of phytoplankton increased with little change in horizontal distribution.
Key words:  Fujian seacoast  phytoplankton  comminuty structure  red-tide species  horizontal distribution
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