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引用本文:赵 爽,章 群,乐小亮,彭 博,许忠能,韦桂峰,李贵生.中国近海5个黑鲷地理群体的遗传变异[J].海洋科学,2010,34(2):75-79.
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赵 爽1,2, 章 群1,2, 乐小亮1,2, 彭 博1,2, 许忠能1,2, 韦桂峰1,2, 李贵生1,2
为有效保护和利用黑鲷(Acanthopagrus schlegeli)资源, 本研究测定了中国近海5 个群体(北方海域的营口与崂山群体, 南方海域的闽清、大亚湾、东兴群体)各10 尾黑鲷线粒体控制区5′端722bp 序列以分析其遗传多样性和遗传结构。结果发现42 个单倍型, 56 个多态位点; 群体单倍型多样性为0.978~1.000, 群体核苷酸多样性为0.0067~0.0116。中性检测和核苷酸不对称分布分析表明, 中国近海黑鲷在晚更新世(165~41 kaBP)曾经历过种群的快速扩张。北方群体与南方群体之间的Fst值为0.1145(P=0.00), 表明存在中等程度的分化, 建议将中国近海黑鲷作为两个管理单位。
关键词:  黑鲷(Acanthopagrus schlegeli)  线粒体控制区  遗传多样性  群体遗传结构  种群历史动态
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(30770415); 留学归国人员科研启动基金资助项目(2005)
Genetic variation among 5 stocks of Acanthopagrus schlegeli in China’s coastal waters
ZHAO Shuang,ZHANG Qun,YUE Xiao-liang,PENG Bo,XU Zhong-neng,WEI Gui-feng,LI Gui-sheng
Acanthopagrus schlegeli is an economically important marine fish endemic in East Asia, and natural resource had been reduced dramatically. To protect and exploit the valuable fish effectively, 722 bp at the 5’ of mitochondrial DNA control region of 50 individuals collected in Yingkou(YK), Laoshan(LSH), Dayawan (DYW), Dongxing(DX) were sequenced to analyze the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Acanthopagrus schlegeli in the coastal waters of China. Total 42 hapoltypes and 56 variable sites were detected. Genetic diversity analyses showed high levels of haplotype diversity (h: 0.978~1.000) and low levels of nucleotide diversity(π: 0.0067~0.0116) in A.schlegeli. The demographic history was examined by using neutrality tests and mismatch distribution analysis, which indicated a Pleistocene population expansion at about 165 000-41 000years. Climatic oscillations during the Pleistocene ice ages might have had an important impact on this species. In the Neighbor-Joining tree (NJ tree) based on Kimura 2-parameter distances, neither obvious genealogical nor geographic clusters were found. Although pair-wise comparisons of Fst indicated that there was no geographic divergence among southern FQ-DYW-DX stocks,as well as between northern YK and LSH stocks, significant geographic divergences were found between the two groups. The genetic divergences between northern and southern populations might partly be due to the different breeding seasons of different populations and seasonal changes of China coastal currents. Two Management Units (MUs) were recognized on the basis of the populations of A.schlegeli in the coast of China.
Key words:  Acanthopagrus schlegeli  mtDNA control region  genetic diversity  stock genetic structure  demographic history
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