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刘立明1, 杜荣斌1, 孙颖民1, 姜海滨2
采用黑[Sebastodes fuscescens (Houttuyn)]野生亲鱼进行了两次工厂化育苗实验。第一次布放仔鱼38.9×104 尾, 经过56~60 d 的培育, 共育成全长30.7~32.7 mm 的鱼苗2.9×104 尾, 平均成活率7.5%;第二次布放仔鱼101.7×104 尾, 经过46~51 d 培育, 鱼苗全长30.2~35.7mm。项目验收时, 鱼苗平均全长45.7mm, 平均体质量1.53g, 共出苗约32.1×104尾, 单位水体出苗量1 529 尾/m3, 平均成活率31.6%, 最高成活率52.1%。实验中研究了黑仔、稚、幼鱼的生长发育与摄食变化, 提出了苗种培育阶段的4 个“危险期”, 并探讨了苗种培育的关键技术。
关键词:  黑[Sebastodes fuscescens (Houttuyn)]  苗种培育  关键技术
基金项目:山东省科技厅项目“黑鲪人工育苗关键技术研究”; 山东省农业良种工程项目“优质抗病速生鱼类良种选育”
Key techniques of fry rearing for Sebastodes fuscescens
LIU Li-ming,DU Rong-bin,SUN Ying-min,JIANG Hai-bin
Artificial breeding experiments of two batches of fry were conducted in industrial fish nursery by using wild broodfish of Sebastodes fuscescens. For the first batch, out of about 38.9×104 newly hatched larvae, about 2.9×104 fries survived and grew to the total length of 30.7~32.7mm after a cultivation period of 56~60 d, the average survival rate being 7.5%. For the second batch, out of about 101.7×104 newly hatched larvae, about 32.1×104 fries survived and grew to the total length of 30.2~35.7mm after a cultivation period of 46~51d. When the research item was checked and accepted, the average length of fry was 45.7 mm and the average body weight was 1.53g. The quantity of seedling production reached to 1529/m3. The average survival rate was 31.6%; and the maximum tank survival rate was 52.1%. In the survey of the growth, development and feeding ecology of larva, juvenile and young Sebastodes fuscescens, four critical periods were noted. Key techniques of fry rearing were discussed, simultaneously.
Key words:  Sebastodes fuscescens(Houttuyn)  fry rearing  key techniques
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