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杨立平1,2, 张学超1, 李晓敏1, 聂新华1
对威海湾表层沉积物中重金属(Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Hg, As)的含量分布及富集状况进行了调查分析,并采用Hakanson 的潜在生态危害指数法评价了该湾沉积物中重金属污染的程度及其潜在的生态危害。结果表明, 威海湾表层沉积物中Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg 4 种重金属的含量分布特征表现为由西北向东南递减的趋势; Cd 在湾西部含量较高, 呈由西向东递减的趋势; As 整体分布较均匀, 在湾内近岸处较高, 湾口处较低。潜在生态危害评价结果表明, 威海湾表层沉积物中重金属的潜在生态危害轻微; 污染程度顺序为Cd>As>Hg>Pb>Cu>Zn; 对威海湾生态环境具有潜在影响的重金属主要是Cd。
关键词:  沉积物  重金属  潜在生态危害  威海湾
Distribution features and evaluation on potential ecological risk of heavy metals in surface sediments of Weihai Bay
YANG Li-ping,ZHANG Xue-chao,LI Xiao-min,NIE Xin-hua
This paper reported the distributions and enrichment of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Hg, As[CY1]) in the surface sediments of the Weihai Bay. In addition, the method of potential ecological risk index devised by Lars Hakanson was used to assess the ecological risks of these elements. The results showed that the contents of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Hg gradually decreased from the northwest to the southeast; Cd appeared higher in the west of the Bay and decreased from the west to the east; and As distributed uniformly, and appeared higher at nearshore of the inner bay but lower at the bay mouth. The risk levels for these heavy elements in this area were light. The pollution degree of these heavy elements in the surface sediments of the Weihai Bay was in the order of Cd>As>Hg>Pb>Cu>Zn, with Cd being the potential impact element for the ecological environment of the Weihai Bay.
Key words:  sediments  heavy metals  potential ecological risk  the Weihai Bay
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