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引用本文:金秉福,宫立新,宋 键.大沽河泥沙来源的重矿物分析及其环境意义[J].海洋科学,2010,34(10):71-76.
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金秉福1, 宫立新1,2, 宋 键3
应用矿物分析的方法研究大沽河下游泥沙的来源, 研究表明, 大沽河上游和小沽河流域的重矿物特征有很大的不同, 大沽河上游段以高的普通角闪石含量为标志, 绿帘石、钛铁矿具有较高的含量。小沽河和大沽河下游的重矿物组成以普通角闪石+绿帘石+透闪石+石榴石为主, 重矿物特征相似性明显, 其重矿物含量和主要重矿物相对含量都比较相似, 数值相差不大, 而且矿物的形态特征、矿物的种类也一致。这说明大沽河下游的泥沙主要来源于其支流小沽河, 因此, 小沽河流域的水土保持是大沽河河道以及胶州湾沉积环境整治的关键。
关键词:  大沽河  小沽河  泥沙来源  重矿物
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(40246026); 海洋沉积与环境地质国家海洋局重点实验室开放基金 (MASEG200803); 鲁东大学学科建设项目
Heavy mineral analysis in the sediment originated from the Daguhe River and its environmental significance
JIN Bing-fu,GONG Li-xin,SONG Jian
Based on heavy mineral analysis, the sediment originated from lower reaches of the Daguhe River was studied. We found that the characteristics of heavy mineral were different between the Xiaoguhe River and the upper reaches of the Daguhe River. The high content of hornblende was the feature in upper reaches of the Daguhe River and the contents of ilmenite and epidote were also high. In contrast, main heavy mineral assembled was mixed by hornblende, epidote, tremolite and garnet in the Xiaoguhe River and the lower reaches of the Daguhe River. In addition to similar relative contents for most heavy minerals, mineral shape characteristics and mineral species were also identical. These results illustrate the major sediments of the lower reaches of the Daguhe River come from its main branch, the Xiaoguhe River. Therefore, conservation of soil and water in the Xiaoguhe River drainage area is key to maintain and restore the sedimentary environment in the Daguhe Rever watercourse and the Jiaozhou Bay.
Key words:  the Daguhe River  the Xiaoguhe River  sediment source  heavy mineral
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