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引用本文:尹琳琳,杨佰娟,郑 立,韩笑天,王能飞,王小如,杨东方.浒苔脂肪酸前处理方法优化及GC/MS 分析[J].海洋科学,2010,34(11):46-50.
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浒苔脂肪酸前处理方法优化及GC/MS 分析
尹琳琳1,2, 杨佰娟2, 郑 立2, 韩笑天3, 王能飞2, 王小如2, 杨东方1
针对绿潮藻的快速化学溯源及资源化利用, 以浒苔为对象, 对其脂肪酸测定过程进行了研究;同时, 通过对浒苔脂肪酸的皂化和甲酯化试剂、水浴温度和水浴时间等反应条件的优化, 建立了绿潮藻脂肪酸前处理新方法。该方法的精密度在0.38%~3.25%之间, 重现性在0.65%~5.80%之间; 采用该方法测定福建、江苏和青岛的浒苔脂肪酸含量分别为0.10~5.69 mg/g、0.16~8.59 mg/g、0.10~4.76 mg/g。此方法可适用于浒苔等绿潮藻脂肪酸的实际测定。
关键词:  绿潮  脂肪酸  皂化  甲酯化
基金项目:海洋公益性行业科研专项项目(200805039); 国家自然科学基金项目(20602009, 40776098); 青岛市科技计划项目(08-1-3-10-JCH);国家海洋局第一海洋研究所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2008G47,2008T32).
Optimization and analyzation of fatty acids pre-treatment of enteromorpha prolifera by GC/MS
For quick chemical traceability and resource utilization, a new pre-treatment method was developed for determination of fatty acids of enteromorpha prolifera. Operational parameters including reagents, time, and temperature for the saponification and methyl esterification which are expected to impact on the recoveries of analytes were optimized. The result indicated high precision (0.38%~3.25%) and the low relative deviation (0.65%~5.8%) of this new method. Moreover, by this method, fatty acids contents of enteromorpha prolifera at Fujian, Jiangsu, and Qingdao were determined to be 0.10~5.69, 0.16~8.59, and 0.10~4.76 mg/g, respectively. This method is appropriate for routine operations.
Key words:  green tide  fatty acids  saponification  methyl esterification
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