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引用本文:傅雪军,马绍赛,曲克明,周 勇.微生态制剂对生物挂膜及牙鲆生长的影响研究[J].海洋科学,2011,35(4):15-20.
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傅雪军1,2, 马绍赛2, 曲克明2, 周 勇1,2
针对工厂化循环水养殖系统中生物滤池去除有害污染物质的核心问题, 采用单因素梯度设计,添加50(1#), 100(2#), 250(3#), 500(4#), 1 000(5#), 1 500(6#)g 微生态制剂辅助自然微生物在生物载体上进行人工挂膜, 挂膜2 周后, 进行40 d 循环水养殖牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus), 培养生物膜去除NH+4-N, NO-2-N 模拟实验。结果表明: 不同质量浓度微生态制剂有利于自然微生物挂膜, 与对照组相比, 在进水中较低的NH+4-N, NO-2-N 质量浓度下, 生物膜能够显著地降低NH+4-N, NO-2-N 质量浓度;除1#组NH+4-N, NO-2-N 平均去除率分别为13.0%, 14.4%外, 其余组都在20%以上, 但去除效果差异不显著(P>0.05); 实验组牙鲆平均体质量、体长、体质量增长率、饵料系数与对照组相比, 呈显著性差异(P<0.05), 且4#组牙鲆体质量增长效果最明显, 与对照组相比, 牙鲆的平均体质量增长量比对照组多增长了76%, 饵料系数最低, 为1.16; 对照组牙鲆成活率为72%, 各实验组在76%~84%之间。4#生物滤池处理水质效果较好, 能够有效地将养殖水中的NH+4-N, NO-2-N 转化为NO-3-N, 且养殖效果较好, 可作为工厂化循环水养殖系统生物滤池中添加微生态制剂辅助自然微生物挂膜的参考依据。
关键词:  循环水养殖  生物挂膜  微生态制剂  牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD09A03); 国家863 计划项目(2006AA100305); 农业科技成果转化资金项目(2007GB23260387)
The effect of microbial ecological agent assisted bio-film formation and the growth of Paralichthys olivaceus
To solve the core issue of removal of harmful pollutants in bio-filter of industrial re-circulating aquaculture system, by a single factor gradient design, artificially bio-film formation was conducted on the biological carrier packing by adding 50(1#), 100(2#), 250(3#), 500(4#), 1000(5#) and 1500(6#) g microbial ecological agent to assist natural microbe. After two weeks bio-film formation, simulation experiment that Paralichthys olivaceus were reared in re-circulating water to examine the removal of ammonia-nitrogen and nitrite-nitrogen by culturing bio-film were carried out for forty days. The results showed that different concentrations of microbial ecological agent were beneficial to the bio-film formed by natural microbes, leading to more efficient removal of mmonia-nitrogen and nitrite-nitrogen concentrations; except that the mean removal rates of ammonia-nitrogen and nitrite-nitrogen in group 1# were 13.0% and 14.4%, respectively, the other experimental groups were more than 20%, but no significant difference between their removal effect being seen (P> 0.05); compared with control group, the mean body weight, body length, weight gain rate, and feed conversion rate of P. olivaceus were significantly difference in experimental groups, the effect of weight gain being obviously significant (P<0.05) for group 4#, with the mean body weight of P. olivaceus increased by 76% over than control group, and the lowest feed conversion rate being 1.16 in experimental groups; the control group’s survival rate of P. olivaceus was 72% ,and the experimental groups were between 76% and 84%. The better water quality was associated with 4# bio-filter, which effectively conversed ammonia-nitrogen and nitrite-nitrogen into nitrate-nitrogen, leading to better farming. The 4# system can be used as a reference of bio-film formation aided the addition of microbial ecological agent in industrial re-circulating aquaculture system.
Key words:  re-circulating aquaculture  bio-film formation  microbial ecological agent  Paralichthys olivaceus
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