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引用本文:隋晓伟,任 伟,闫文华,刘升平,杨 宁.光质对海带配子体生长发育影响的研究[J].海洋科学,2011,35(4):33-36.
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隋晓伟1, 任 伟1, 闫文华2, 刘升平1, 杨 宁1
以孢子水采苗的海带(Laminaria japonica)配子体为材料, 研究了蓝光、绿光、红光对配子体生长、发育的影响。结果表明: 蓝光对生长、发育的促进作用最大, 绿光其次, 红光对生长有促进作用, 对发育的促进作用不大; 在一定的光强范围内, 配子体的生长速度都随着光强的提高而加快, 当蓝光超过800lx、绿光超过1600lx、红光超过1500lx 时配子体发生无性繁殖的数量开始增加; 随着光强的提高配子体的发育速度提高, 当出现无性繁殖后发育速度减慢, 但随后又有开始上升的现象。
关键词:  海带(Laminaria japonica)  配子体  光质  生长  发育
Effects of light wavelength on growth and reproduction of the gametophytes of Laminaria japonica Aresch
Responses of the gametophytes of Laminaria japonica Aresch to blue, green, red and white lights were investigated using the gametophytes from the collection of zoospores. The blue light play the most important role in the growth and reproduction of the gametophytes, followed by the green light, and the red light had positive promotion effects on the growth but little effects on the reproduction. In a certain range, the growth rate was increased with increased light intensity.The number of protonema clone gametophyte began to increase when the blue light was over 600lx, green light over 1600lx,and red light over 1500lx. The reproduction of the gametophytes was improved with the increase of the light-intensity, then were slowed down as the filaments increased, and came to rise again afterwards.
Key words:  Laminaria japonica Aresch  gametophyte  light quality  growth reproduction
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