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引用本文:孙福新,李 晓,王 颖,吴志宏,刘天红,孙元芹,卢 珺.栉孔扇贝对无机砷的富集与排出特征研究[J].海洋科学,2011,35(4):83-88.
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孙福新1, 李 晓1, 王 颖1, 吴志宏1, 刘天红1, 孙元芹1, 卢 珺1
以栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)为试验生物, 应用生物富集双箱动力学模型, 研究了暴露在不同质量浓度的As3+溶液中, 栉孔扇贝对无机砷的耐受性; 通过对富集与排出过程中栉孔扇贝体内无机砷含量的动态监测及对检测结果的非线性拟合, 得出栉孔扇贝富集无机砷的吸收速率常数(k1)、排出速率常数(k2)、生物富集因子(BCF)、生物半衰期(B1/2)等动力学常数。试验结果显示, 扇贝对无机砷的吸收速率(常数k1)随着外部水体中As3+质量浓度的增大呈减小趋势, 而吸收速率(常数k2)与水体中As3+质量浓度无明显相关性; 生物富集系数BCF 随着外部水体As3+质量浓度的增大而减少; 平衡状态下栉孔扇贝体内无机砷含量(CAmax)与暴露水体中的As3+质量浓度之间呈较强的线性相关(R2=0.926 7); 栉孔扇贝对无机砷排出率较高, 代谢30 d 后, 排出率可达到84.17%; 无机砷在栉孔扇贝体内的生物半衰期较短。根据试验结果推算出, 在二类海水水质标准下养殖的栉孔扇贝符合食用标准。
关键词:  栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri)  无机砷  生物富集  排出
Bio-enrichment and elimination of inorganic arsenic byChlamys farreri
The bio-enrichment and elimination of inorganic arsenic in Chlamys farreri were investigated in a semi-static system. Uptake rate constant (k1), elimination rate constant (k2), bio-enrichment factor (BCF), and biological half-life (B1/2) were characterized based on the two-compartment model by nonlinear cure fitting. Under our experimental conditions, the uptake rate constant (k1) and BCF were decreased with the increase of the concentration of As3+, while the elimination rate constant (k2) was not distinctly related. The maximal metal contents in test organism (CAmax) at steady-state were in the linear proportion to As3+ concentrations through short exposure(R2=0.926 7). Elimination of inorganic arsenic from C. farreri was rapidly and completely; the elimination reached to 84.17 % after 30 days. Our results suggest that C. farreri cultivated in the second level of sea water quality standard should be safe.
Key words:  Chlamys farreri  Inorganic arsenic  Bio-concentration  Elimination
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