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引用本文:韩 震,郭永飞.基于小波多分辨率分析提取长江口淤泥质潮滩水边线[J].海洋科学,2011,35(7):67-70.
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韩 震1,2,3, 郭永飞1
以长江口九段沙作为研究区, 通过数学形态学的方法对图像进行预处理, 消除潮沟形成的破碎带, 然后利用小波多分辨率分析法, 去除高悬浮泥沙以及其他细节等高频信息, 进行了水边线信息提取研究, 最后采用基于连通性边缘评价的方法对不同分辨率下提取的水边线进行了评价。研究结果表明, 小波多分辨率分析方法是淤泥质潮滩水边线信息提取的有效方法之一。开展水边线遥感信息提取研究, 对于合理开发潮滩资源和研究现代海岸带动态变化具有重要意义。
关键词:  水边线  小波多分辨率  阈值分割  长江口
基金项目:上海市教育委员会科研创新重点项目(08ZZ81); 上海市科委项目(08230510700); 教育部科学技术研究重点项目(209047)
Waterside line information extraction of tidal flat at the Yangtze River Estuary by wavelet multi-resolution analysis
Jiuduansha was selected as a study area at the Yangtze River Estuary. First, we pretreated the image by the mathematical morphology method in order to eliminate the fracture zone formed by inlets. Then, we extracted the waterside line information and removed the high suspended sediment information and other high frequency information by the wavelet multi-resolution analysis method. At last, we evaluated the effect of the waterside line information extraction by the edge connectivity evaluation method. The results show the wavelet multi-resolution analysis method is one of the effective methods to extract waterside line information in the silty tidal flat. Remote sensing information extraction of waterside line has important significance for the reasonable development of tidal flat resources and the study of modern tidal flat coastal dynamic changes.
Key words:  waterside line  wavelet multi-resolution analysis  threshold segmentation  the Yangtze River Estuary
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