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引用本文:刘桂卫,黄海军,杜廷芹,别 君,陈纪涛.黄河三角洲地区地面沉降驱动因素研究[J].海洋科学,2011,35(8):43-50.
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刘桂卫1,2,3, 黄海军1,2, 杜廷芹4, 别 君2, 陈纪涛5
黄河三角洲地区地势低平、生态脆弱, 地面沉降使得海水入侵和风暴潮灾害加剧。弄清该区域地面沉降驱动因素, 对油田安全生产和湿地生态保护都有积极的意义。以20 m 地层为界, 将地面沉降驱动因素分为浅地层和深地层因素。分析了地表荷载增加、地下水和油气开采、沉积物固结压实、新构造运动等对该区地面沉降的驱动作用。此外, 探讨了海平面上升和地震灾害对该区地面沉降的影响。结果表明: 该区地面沉降驱动因素主要为沉积物固结和地下水开采, 但控制范围存在区域性差异;1969 年地震使该区产生明显地面沉降, 海平面上升使该区地面沉降形势更加严峻。
关键词:  地面沉降  地下水开采  固结压实  黄河三角洲
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(40676037); 中国科学院重要方向项目资助(kzcx2-ew-207)
Effective factors of land subsidence in the Yellow River Delta
The Yellow River Delta with the low terrain has a fragile eco-system. Land subsidence has led to serious seawater intrusion and storm surge disaster. Studying the effective factors of land subsidence in the area is helpful for oil field safety and ecological conservation of wetland. With the 20 meters depth stratum as the boundary, the effective factors of land subsidence in the Yellow River Delta were divided into two categories, shallow and deep. The effective factors like the increased surface load, groundwater and oil exploitation, sediment consolidation, and neotectonics were discussed in this paper. Furthermore, the effects of sea-level rise and earthquake were also studied. Our results showed that sediment consolidation and groundwater exploitation, which dominated different areas subsidence, were the two main factors for land subsidence. The earthquake at 1969 had led to significant land subsidence, and sea-level rise made the subsidence situation more severe.
Key words:  land subsidence  groundwater exploitation  sediment consolidation  the Yellow River Delta
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