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引用本文:孔 宁,李 琪,丛日浩,王庆志,孔令锋.库页岛厚蛤蜊的人工繁殖和胚胎发育[J].海洋科学,2011,35(10):6-10.
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孔 宁1, 李 琪1, 丛日浩1, 王庆志1, 孔令锋1
通过亲贝促熟、人工催产、幼体培育和采苗等技术环节, 初步建立了库页岛厚蛤蜊(Pseudocardium sachalinense)的人工繁育技术。对库页岛厚蛤蜊胚胎发育过程的观察表明, 在水温22~24℃, 盐度28~30 条件下, 受精卵经约50 min 开始卵裂; 约20 h 发育至D 形幼体; 经约11 d 的人工培育, 幼体出现足和水管原基, 并转入附着变态阶段。幼体变态后生长速度明显加快, 壳高日增长由变态前16.76 μm 增至22.49 μm, 壳长日增长由17.68 μm 增至23.15 μm。不同附着基的采苗率依次为:无附着基采苗 > 细砂 > 波纹板 > 网衣。
关键词:  库页岛厚蛤蜊(Pseudocardium sachalinense)  胚胎发育  幼体生长  附着基
Artificial reproduction and embryonic development of surf clam Pseudocardium sachalinense
Artificial breeding techniques of the surf clam Pseudocardium sachalinense including broodstock culture, spawning induction, and larval rearing were investigated for the first time. At water temperature of 22~24 and salinity ℃ of 28~30, fertilized eggs began the first cleavage after 50 min, developed to D-shaped larvae after 20 h, and to the stage of metamorphosis characterized by the appearance of foot and siphon after rearing of 11 d. The larvae grew obviously faster after metamorphosis. Growth rates of shell height and shell length were 16.76 μm/d and 17.68 μm/d before metamorphosis, but became 22.49 μm/d and 23.15 μm/d after metamorphosis. The settlement of the larvae to three different substrata was compared. The highest setting rate was achieved for the barrel bottom without substratum followed by fine sand, plastic sheet and nets.
Key words:  Pseudocardium sachalinense  seeds production  embryonic development  substratum
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