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刘兆胜1, 刘永胜2, 郑小东1, 曲海波2
分别采用文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)、菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)、缢蛏(Sinonovaculaconstrzcta) 、许氏平鲉(Sebastodes fuscescens)投喂处于产卵、护卵期的真蛸(Octopus vulgaris)亲体, 通过测量亲蛸摄食量、产卵量、受精卵孵化率以及初孵幼体大小, 分析4 种不同饵料对亲体和幼体的影响。结果表明: 亲蛸摄食量以文蛤投喂组最高, 每只亲蛸每天平均摄食19.50 g; 菲律宾蛤仔组次之, 为18.28 g; 缢蛏组较少, 为13.39 g; 许氏平鲉组亲体摄食量最少, 为3.75 g。亲蛸产卵量和受精卵孵化率以菲律宾蛤仔投喂组最高, 平均产卵量为13.6 万粒, 受精卵孵化率为94.34%; 缢蛏组平均产卵量最低,为9.89 万粒, 对照组孵化率最低, 为81.11%。初孵幼体全长实验中菲律宾蛤仔投喂组最长, 平均2.43mm; 缢蛏文蛤组次之, 为2.39 mm; 许氏平鲉组较小, 为2.34 mm; 对照组幼体最小, 为2.30 mm。处于产卵护卵期的亲蛸仍可以摄食, 摄食量约为亲蛸体质量的2%~5%。亲体通过摄食能提高受精卵的孵化率和初孵幼体体长。菲律宾蛤仔是较理想的饵料。
关键词:  真蛸(Octopus vulgaris)  饵料  产卵护卵期  摄食量  孵化率
基金项目:山东省博士基金资助项目(2008BS06008); 国家863 计划资助项目(2010AA10A404)
Effects of the different diets on Octopus vulgaris in spawning numbers , hatching rate and the size of newly hatching larvae
The parent Octopus vulgaris in spawning and protecting period were fed on Meretrix meretrix, Ruditapes philippinarum, Sinonovacula constrzct and Sebastodes fuscescens, respectively. The effects of those diets on food intake, spawning numbers, hatching rate of eggs as well as the size of newly hatching larvae were investigated. The results showed that average food intake per individual parent per day was such an order, M.meretrix (19.50 g) > R. philippinarum (18.28 g) > S. constrzct (13.37 g) > S.fuscescens (3.75 g). The highest number of spawning was 136 000 and the highest hatching rate of fetilizated eggs was 94.34%, which occurred in the group fed on R.philippinarum. The minimum number of spawning was 98 900 in the group fed on S.fuscescens, and the lowest of the hatching rate was 81.11% found in the control group. The average size of newly hatching larvae was 2.43 mm (R. philippinarum group) > 2.39 mm (M. meretrix and S. constrzct groups) >2.34 mm (S. fuscescens group) > 2.30 mm (control group). During the period of spawning and protecting, O. vuglaris can take food, about 2%~5% of its own weight, in order to improve hatching rate of eggs and the size of newly hatching larvae. R. philippinarum is the ideal food.
Key words:  Octopus vulgaris, diet, spawning and protecting period, food intake, hatching rate
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