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引用本文:韩晓庆,李 静,张 芸,甄彦龙,高伟明,李伟妙.人工干预下河北省淤泥质海岸岸线演变及其环境效应分析[J].海洋科学,2011,35(11):11-18.
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韩晓庆1, 李 静2, 张 芸3, 甄彦龙4, 高伟明5, 李伟妙6
1.河北省国土资源利用规划院;2.河北交通职业技术学院交通工程系;3.河北省地理科学研究所;4.河北省地矿局国土资源勘查中心;5.河北师范大学资源与环境科学学院, 河北省环境演变与生态建设实验室;6.河北师范大学汇华学院
以多期地形图、海图, 多时相航空影像图、卫星遥感数据, 多年实测数据为主要数据源, 综合运用GIS 软件室内判读与野外实地调查相结合的技术方法, 系统分析了人工干预下河北省淤泥质海岸岸线近50 a(1956~2006 年)来演变过程、动因, 深入探讨了海岸岸线演变特征及其对周边岸滩产生的环境效应。结果表明: 河北省淤泥质海岸岸线演变动因由自然演化转变为人类影响占主导地位; 变化类型由以盐田开发为主, 演变为盐田、养殖池塘并重, 继而以养殖池塘变化占主体, 最终为养殖池塘、港口变化为主导; 开发热点区域因时间不同而有所差异, 南段岸线重点开发区域逐渐南移, 而北段岸线则呈现不断西移的特点。黄骅港岸线变化对周边产生的环境效应表现为: 改变沿岸流流向, 并在航道外形成沿堤流及环流; 改变滩面相对平衡状态, 航道以北重塑均衡剖面; 改变局部流场, 近岸区高浓度泥沙沿防波堤两侧向外运动; 改变岸滩沉积物类型, 北滩粉沙层的规模和粒径均小于南滩。曹妃甸港岸线变化对周边产生的环境效应主要表现为: 阻断东西向的浅滩潮流, 对曹妃甸外缘潮流系统造成影响; 南堡西侧海滩不断淤积、附近海岛、沙坝出现不同程度的淤积。本研究对于合理利用海岸带资源,科学规划海岸带发展方向, 实现区域环境和经济的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。
关键词:  淤泥质海岸  岸线演变  环境效应  黄骅港  曹妃甸港
Evolvement of the muddy coastline and theirs environmental effects in Hebei Province
The data of this paper were mainly from relief maps, charts, remote sensing imagines, and the field data of different years and areas in Hebei Province from 1956 to 2006. Combined with the software of GIS and the results of field work, the evolution process and the motivation condition of muddy coastline had been investigated after comparing above materials. In addition, the paper had analyzed the environmental effects by the change of surrounding beaches. The results showed that the reason of the evolvement had changed from the natural factors to the artificial factors. The type of factors was different from times, which included the salt fields in the begining, breed aquatics ponds and the ports in the last. The region of the most important development had also changed at different times. It gradually moved to the south in Cangzhou City, while to the west in Tangshan City. The change of the shoreline in Huanghua Port caused by many environmental factors, such as modifying the direction of the long-shore sediment, the balance condition of the beach, and the type of the sediment on the beach. Meanwhile, the change of the shoreline in Caofeidian Port interdicted tide on the riffle, which caused the beach to fill up nearby the road to the Caofeidian Island and the west of Nanpu. Moreover, it also affected the evolvements of the other islands and the offshore bars. It is of important practical significance to use coastal resources and to develop coastal zone rationally, to achieve sustainable development of environment and economic in coastal region.
Key words:  muddy coast  coastal evolvement  environment effects  Huanghua Port  Caofeidian Port
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