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引用本文:辛 一.线粒体COICOIICYTB基因在鲍属物种鉴定中的适用性分析[J].海洋科学,2011,35(11):58-62.
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辛 一1,2
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 研究生院
为寻找最适于进行鲍属物种鉴定的线粒体基因, 测定了中国及日本沿海5 个皱纹盘鲍(Haliotisdiscus hannai)群体共16 个个体的线粒体基因COI、COII 以及CYTB 的完整序列, 并结合杂色鲍(H.diversicolor)、疣鲍(H. tuberculata)和黑唇鲍(H. rubra)的线粒体基因组信息, 比较分析了3 种基因的G+C含量、种间/种内遗传距离和序列多态性等特征。研究结果表明, 上述3 种基因的序列构成和遗传多样性都具有一定相似性, 且三者都可用于区分上述鲍属物种。鉴于目前COI具有完善的通用引物, 并且具有较多的公布序列, 本研究建议采用COI序列作为目前鲍属物种鉴定的DNA 条形码。
关键词:  鲍属(Haliotis)  DNA 条形码  线粒体基因  物种鉴定
Feasiblitiy of application of COICOII and CYTB in Haliotis species identification
In order to select appropriate mitochondrial genes for Haliotis species identification, COI, COII and CYTB of sixteen Haliotis discus hannai individuals collected from five populations along Chinese and Japanese coasts, were sequenced in this study. With available mitogenomes of H. diversicolor, H. tuberculata and H. rubra, G+C content, intra-/inter-specific K2P distance, and sequence diversity were compared among Haliotis. The results show that sequence composition, genetic diversity of COI, COII and CYTB are similar. Furthermore, both genetic distance and diversity results imply that all these genes can be used for Haliotis species identification. Since there are effective, universal primers for COI and more COI sequences published than the other two genes in Haliotis, we suggest that COI could be used as a DNA barcode for Haliotis species identification.
Key words:  Haliotis  DNA barcode  mitogenome  species identification
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