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引用本文:陈琳琳,刘维青,刘 静,张高生,任宗明.水产养殖环境常见四环素类抗生素抗性基因tet(M)的演化及传播的初步分析[J].海洋科学,2011,35(12):75-81.
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陈琳琳1, 刘维青2, 刘 静3, 张高生1, 任宗明1
1.中国科学院 烟台海岸带研究所;2.黄岛出入境检验检疫局;3.中国科学院 海洋研究所
利用分子系统学方法分析了20 条水产养殖环境中常见的四环素抗性tet(M)基因的序列特点、多态性及系统发育, 并对其细菌寄主分类、环境介质来源作相关性分析。结果表明, 20 条基因序列有4种单倍型, 其中tet(M)-b 和d 是两种远缘基因型, 而a 和c 则是二者之间的序列变异。系统发育树分成三大分支, tet(M)基因在进化及传播过程与其细菌寄主的基因背景及环境介质的来源并无严格的相关性, 暗示该类基因在环境中传播与进化迅速, 其传播机制及环境毒性有待于深入的研究。
关键词:  抗生素抗性基因  四环素  tet(M)  水产养殖  多样性
基金项目:烟台市科学技术发展计划项目(No. 2010159)
Study of evolution and dissemination of common tetracycline resistance tet(M) genes in aquaculture
Antibiotic resistance genes as new pollutant have been received increasingly wide attention, and their mechanisms of access and routes of transmission have become the focus of research. tet(M) gene is a common tetracycline resistance gene in many environmental media. In this study, the genetic characteristic, polymorphism and phylogenic relationship of 20 tet(M) gene sequences in aquaculture with their bacterial hosts and environmental media sources were analyzed using molecular phylogenetic method. There are 4 haplotypes in these 20 tet(M) gene sequences, in which tet(M)-b and d are two distinct types of tetracline resistance determinants, while the other two types are sequence variation of tet(M)-b and d; Three clear clades were found in the phylogeny tree, and the evolution and transmission of tet(M) gene had nothing to do with the taxonomy of their bacteria hosts and environmental sources, suggesting the spreading mechanism and environmental toxicity of tet(M) gene need to be further studied.
Key words:  antibiotic resistance gene  tetracycline  tet(M) gene  aquaculture  diversity
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