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王金良1, 宋金宝2
1.青岛理工大学 理学院;2.中国科学院 海洋研究所 环流与波动重点实验室
为了更准确地计算由平台晃动所带来的通量观测误差, 从平台晃动与风速仪测点位置变化角度以分层平均消除垂向均值差异的办法建立了新的涡相关通量误差矫正模型。结果是: 在中高海况下由平台晃动引起的通量观测误差是显著的。有鉴于此, 将晃动平台视为固定平台来处理的常用通量计算公式在中高海况下可能会给出严重失真的结果, 建议采用新公式进行矫正。
关键词:  涡相关方法  海气通量  动量观测  误差矫正  波浪
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(2011CB403501); 中国科学院创新重要方向项目群项目(KZCX2-YW-Q07-02); 中国科学院海洋研究所环流与波动重点实验室开放研究基金(KLOCAW1003); 青岛理工大学高层人才科研启动基金(C2009-004)
Error correction model for air-sea flux observation on shaking platforms
To accurately calculate the error caused by platform movement, we constructed a new eddy-covariance flux-error-correction model based on the relation between the platform’s movement and the sifting of the observational- point’s location. The layer-mean approach was used here to eliminate the vertical difference of the mean-value. We found that under the high and moderate sea state the observational error of the flux caused by the platform’s movements was significant. In comparison, the commonly used formula that takes the moving case as the fixed case may produces an unreliable flux under the high and moderate sea state. We suggest that our new formula should be used.
Key words:  eddy-covariance method  air-sea flux  momentum flux observation  error correction  wave
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