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于艳卿1,2, 邹晓兰1,2, 李超峰1,2, 朱校斌1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 研究生院
以海水为溶剂, 采用熔融法合成了纳米粉煤灰沸石。粉煤灰与NaOH 的质量比为1:1.2, 熔融温度550 ℃, 熟料质量与海水固液的体积比为1:5(g/mL), 晶化温度100℃, 晶化时间6h。通过仪器分析和化学方法, 对产物的结构、形貌、性能进行表征。同时, 研究了产物的矿物组成、形貌、比表面积、阳离子交换量及化学组成。结果表明: 产物为NaX 型沸石和羟基方钠石的复合型沸石, 海水晶化粉煤灰通过碱熔融法得到沸石质量优于传统水热法。合成沸石的性能和各项应用指标表明, 所合成的沸石具有良好的实际应用价值。
关键词:  粉煤灰  海水  熔融水热法  沸石
基金项目:国家十一五科技支撑计划项目(2006BAB03A12); 国家863 计划项目(2006AA06Z362); 国家自然科学基金项目(30530080)
Synthesis and characterization of nano-fly ash zeolites made using seawater for crystallization
Nano-fly ash zeolites were synthesized using fusion method with seawater as solvent. The synthetic conditions were as follows: ash/NaOH quality ratio is 1:1.2, fusion temperature is 550°C, the mixture/seawater volume ratio is 1:5, reaction temperature is 100°C and reaction time is 6h. The structure, appearance and properties of the products were characterized and analyzed in detail with both instrumental and chemical analysis methods. In addition, the mineral composition, crystallization, surface area, capacity of the cation exchange, average particle size and chemical composition of synthesized zeolites were investigated and compared. The results showed that the product is a mixture of NaX zeolite and hydroxysodalite. This synthesized zeolite by fusion method using seawater for crystallization has higher purity and better crystallization than that by conventional hydrothermal method. The properties and characters of this synthesized zeolite show that it has good application values.
Key words:  coal fly ash  seawater  melting hydrothermal method  zeolites
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