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引用本文:吴 彪,杨爱国,刘志鸿,周丽青,程 鹏,于 涛.两种扇贝杂交和自交家系早期生长及甲基化的比较分析[J].海洋科学,2012,36(2):1-6.
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吴 彪1, 杨爱国1, 刘志鸿1, 周丽青1, 程 鹏1, 于 涛1,2
1.中国水产科学研究院 黄海水产研究所, 农业部海洋渔业资源可持续利用重点开放实验室;2.上海海洋大学 生命科学与技术学院
运用杂交和自交方法建立虾夷扇贝(A)×栉孔扇贝♀(B)、栉孔扇贝♀(B)×栉孔扇贝(C)、栉孔扇贝(C)×栉孔扇贝♀(D)3 种组合家系, 每个组合3 个平行, 共9 个家系。对各家系卵径大小、胚胎孵化率、幼虫浮游阶段壳长生长速度等生物学参数进行比较, 建立了幼虫浮游期壳长与日龄的线性回归方程; 运用甲基化敏感扩增多态性(MSAP)分析了基因组DNA 胞嘧啶甲基化水平, SPSS 分析了DNA 甲基化与壳长生长的相关性。结果表明, 杂交家系的卵径大小、胚胎孵化率与自交组没有显著差异, 但壳长生长速度显著高于自交组, 这种优势可能主要来自于父本的影响; 家系AB、BC、CD 的平均DNA甲基化率分别为18.672%、22.661%和22.303%, 杂交使后代DNA 甲基化水平降低, 生长速度与DNA甲基化水平相关系数为?0.934, 相关水平极显著(P<0.01), DNA 甲基化与杂种优势具有一定的关系。
关键词:  扇贝  杂交  家系, DNA 甲基化  MSAP
基金项目:国家863 计划资助项目(2006AA10A408); 国家科技支撑计划专题(2006BAD01A00); 山东省自然科学资金青年基金项目(ZR2009DQ006); 青岛市科技计划基础研究项目(09-1-3-12-jch); 黄海所基本科研业务费资助项目(2060302)
Comparison of early growth and DNA methylation between hybridized families and self-fertilize families of two scallops
Nine families of scallop were established to investigate the difference in the early growth and DNA methylation between hybridized families and self-fertilize families. The male parents included A(Patinopecten yessoensis) and C(Chlamys farreri)while the female parents named B(Chlamys farreri) and D(Chlamys farreri). And the strategy was A×B, B×C and C×D. Methylation-sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) technology was used to analyze the DNA methylation. The biology parameters including egg size, hatching rate, juvenile’s growth rate and DNA methylation rate were compared among different families. Also, the equations of linear regression between shell length and day age were set up and the correlation between growth and DNA methylation rate was analyzed using SPSS. The results show that there is no significant difference in egg size and hatching rate between hybridized and self-fertilize families, while the shell growth rates of hybridized families are higher than those of self-fertilize families. This difference might mainly come from the male parent. The mean DNA methylation rate of family AB, BC, CD is 18.672%, 22.661% and 22.303%, respectively. The hybridization results in a decrease in DNA methylation. The correlation coefficient between growth rate and methylation is ?0.934, which is significantly different (P<0.01). There is a relationship between DNA methylation and heterosis. This study enriched the theoretical basis of heterosis.
Key words:  scallop  hybridize  family  DNA methylation  MSAP
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