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引用本文:过 杰,谢 强,陈忠彪.莱州湾环境污染遥感信息提取试验[J].海洋科学,2012,36(2):119-128.
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过 杰1,2,3, 谢 强4,5,6, 陈忠彪7,8,9
1.中国科学院 烟台海岸带研究所;2.中国科学院 海岸带环境过程重点实验室;3.山东省海岸带环境过程重点实验室;4.热带海洋环境国家重点实验室;5.中国科学院 南海海洋研究所;6.中国科学院三亚深海科学与工程研究所;7.中国科学院 海洋研究所;8.中国科学院 海洋环流与波动重点实验室;9.中国科学院 研究生院
采用Landsat 图像跨度40 多年数据, 利用遥感手段对莱州湾7 大排污口环境污染状况进行了遥感信息提取试验, 结果显示与多年来分析调查的结果一致, 即通过入海排放口水色变化以及像素分析发现自20 世纪90 年代以来, 莱州湾海水污染逐年加重; 通过MODI 数据和ENVISATASAR数据分析提取了莱州湾2011 年的海温变化、叶绿素浓度分布和海面溢油信息, 结果显示该区域近岸海温和叶绿素浓度偏高, 海上溢油风险加大。研究结果表明, 利用遥感技术能有效地提取海区环境污染信息, 可以作为监控海水污染的有效手段之一。
关键词:  叶绿素  溢油  排水污染
基金项目:中国科学院创新团队国际合作伙伴计划-海岸带典型环境过程与资源效应(Y02A071013); 中国科学院海洋环流与波动重点实验室开放研究基金(KLOCAW101); 热带海洋环境国家重点实验室(中国科学院南海海洋研究所)开放研究基金(LED0904)
Remote sensing information extraction of the Laizhou Bay environment pollution
Information was extracted from remote sensing images over a period of 40 years for environmental pollution about seven sewage outlets into the Laizhou Bay. The results were in agreement with multiple previous survey results. Increase of water pollution of the Laizhou Bay by discharge was revealed by the color changes and pixel analysis of outfall since the 1990s, confirming that the ecological environment of the Laizhou Bay was worsening. Sea surface temperatures, chlorophyll concentration distributions, and oil spill of sea surface of the Laizhou Bay in the 2011 were retrieved from MODIS and ENVISAT-ASAR data. The sea surface temperature and chlorophyll concentrations of the Laizhou Bay near shore were on the high side and the danger of marine oil spill was expanding. This study shows that Remote Sensing technology is a good method to extract information of environment pollution in the sea area and can be used as effective means of water pollution control.
Key words:  chlorophyll  oil spill of sea surface  seawater pollution
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