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引用本文:刘志亮,宋丽娜,王 凡,白 虹.北黄海QuikSCAT 卫星风速与浮标风速的对比分析[J].海洋科学,2012,36(3):1-7.
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北黄海QuikSCAT 卫星风速与浮标风速的对比分析
刘志亮1,2, 宋丽娜1,2,3, 王 凡1,2, 白 虹1,2
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 海洋环流与波动重点开放实验室;3.中国科学院 研究生院
对北黄海QuikSCAT 散射计矢量风资料与黄海实测浮标站风速资料进行对比分析, 结果表明:北黄海QuikSCAT 卫星风速和浮标观测风速的大小基本吻合, 二者平均偏差是0.26 m/s, 相关系数是0.74; 风向偏差较大, 平均偏差是117.52°。根据卫星风速和浮标风速的对比分析结果, 提出了修正方案。修正后的QuikSCAT 风向与实测浮标站风向的平均偏差显著提高到20.44°。该修正方案实施简单,修正效果显著, 为更准确地使用卫星资料提供了保证。
关键词:  QuikSCAT 卫星  浮标  黄海  风速
Comparison between QuikSCAT and buoy wind data in the north Yellow Sea
We compared the wind data obtained from QuikSCAT satellite with that measured in situ in the north Yellow Sea at an offshore buoy deployed by Institute of Oceanology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The bias between QuikSCAT wind speed data and the buoy-measured data satisfied the accuracy requirement. The mean bias for wind speed was about 0.26 m/s and the correlation between the two data was 0.74. However, the bias with mean of 117.52° for wind direction between the two wind data was too large. A correction method for QuikSCAT wind direction was proposed on the basis of the comparison. The mean bias for wind direction was about 20.44° after the correction.
Key words:  QuikSCAT  the buoy  the Yellow Sea  wind data
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