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引用本文:蔡 诤,董宏标,王 军,苏永全.浓度和温度对丁香酚麻醉日本囊对虾效果的影响[J].海洋科学,2012,36(3):29-36.
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蔡 诤1, 董宏标1, 王 军1, 苏永全1
厦门大学 海洋与环境学院
在不同浓度和不同温度条件下, 观察了丁香酚麻醉后日本囊对虾(Marsupenaeus japonicus)的麻醉状态和苏醒状态, 同时测定了麻醉后的对虾在不同离水时间条件下复苏所需要的时间, 并对实验数据进行统计分析; 通过对对虾在15 min 内耗氧量的变化的研究, 探讨了丁香酚对日本囊对虾呼吸中枢的影响。结果表明: 日本囊对虾进入麻醉状态所需的时间随丁香酚浓度的升高而缩短, 随麻醉温度的升高而缩短; 苏醒所需时间随丁香酚浓度的升高而延长, 随麻醉温度的升高而缩短; 苏醒后第4 天各实验组日本囊对虾存活率均为100%。多重比较结果表明: 在200 mg/L 质量浓度下, 随着温度的增加,对虾复苏所需时间减少无差异。在相同离水时间下, 日本囊对虾的复苏时间随着丁香酚浓度的增加而显著增长。在100、150、200 mg/L 不同质量浓度组中, 随着离水时间的延长, 对虾复苏时间也显著增长。麻醉中, 最适丁香酚质量浓度为100 mg/L。丁香酚在不同实验温度和浓度条件下均能显著降低日本囊对虾的呼吸代谢, 降低耗氧量, 对日本囊对虾具有很好的麻醉效果, 是一种合适、安全的麻醉剂。
关键词:  日本囊对虾(Marsupenaeus japonicus)  麻醉  丁香酚
基金项目:公益性行业(农业)科研专项资助项目(200803012); 虾产业技术体系资助项目(CARS-47)
Anesthetic effect of eugenol at different concentrations and temperatures on Marsupenaeus japonicus
The anesthetic and recovery stages of Marsupenaeus japonicus in the presence of eugenol at different concentrations and temperatures were investigated, then the recovery time of treated M. japonicus with different air-exposed time was recorded and analyzed. The effect of eugenol on respiratory center of M. japonicus was characterized via examination of oxygen consumption changes in 15 min. The results showed that the anesthesia time of M. japonicus was decreased with increase of both concentration and temperature of eugenol. While the recovery time was increased with either increase of eugenol concentration or decrease of eugenol temperature. The survival rates of all groups were 100% after a 4-day recovery. The multi-comparison results showed that M. japonicus had markedly shorter recovery time when the water temperature was increased except the 200 mg/L group. The recovery time was significantly increased with increased eugenol concentrations with the same air-exposure time. The recovery time was significantly increased with increased air-exposure time in 100, 150 and 200 mg/L groups. The optimal anaesthesia concentration for eugenol is 100 mg/L. The results also showed that eugenol can significantly reduce respiratory metabolism and oxygen consumption at all temperatures and concentrations used, so it’s an efficient and safe anesthetic.
Key words:  Marsupenaeus japonicus  anesthetic effect  eugenol
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