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引用本文:李 健,梁俊平,李小彦,李吉涛,常志强,戴芳钰,赵法箴.黄芩苷在中国对虾体内对诺氟沙星消除及细胞色素P450 酶的影响[J].海洋科学,2012,36(3):81-88.
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黄芩苷在中国对虾体内对诺氟沙星消除及细胞色素P450 酶的影响
李 健1, 梁俊平1,2, 李小彦1,2, 李吉涛1, 常志强1, 戴芳钰1, 赵法箴1,2
1.中国水产科学研究院 黄海水产研究所;2.中国海洋大学 水产学院
对照组中国对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)连续投喂不含药物饵料, 诺氟沙星组和联合用药组以50 mg/kg 体质量剂量连续投喂含诺氟沙星药饵5 d 后, 诺氟沙星组投喂不含药物饵料10 d, 联合用药组以100 mg/kg 体质量剂量投喂含黄芩苷饵料10 d。从投喂诺氟沙星药饵时开始, 在不同时间点采集中国对虾血液、肝胰腺、鳃和肌肉组织进行药物残留和肝药酶活性测定。结果表明: 与诺氟沙星组相比, 联合用药组各组织中诺氟沙星消除较快, 血淋巴、肝胰腺、鳃和肌肉的理论休药期比诺氟沙星组分别缩短了23.92%、22.73%、25.92%和21.92%; 与对照组相比, 诺氟沙星对中国对虾CYP1A(ECOD)和CYP2(APND)酶活性有一定的抑制作用, 但随着诺氟沙星的消除抑制作用逐渐减弱, 最后恢复至对照水平; 黄芩苷在加速诺氟沙星在中国对虾体内消除的同时, 对中国对虾CYP450 酶也有较强的诱导作用。因此, 药物使用应注意药物之间的相互作用, 以免造成药物中毒或疗效下降现象。
关键词:  黄芩苷  诺氟沙星  中国对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)  CYP450
基金项目:公益性行业(农业)科研专项(nyhyzx07-042, 200803012);农业科技成果转化资金项目(2010GB23260589); 国家虾产业技术体系(nycytx-46)资助
Effects of baicalin on elimination of norfloxacin and activity of CYP450 enzymes in Fenneropenaeus chinensis
The Fenneropenaeus chinensis were divided into three groups fed with different experimental diets. The control group were fed with a non-medicated diet for fifteen days, single treatment group were fed with a non-medicated diet for ten days after a norfloxacin diet for five days, combined treatment group were fed baicalin diet for ten days after a norfloxacin diet for five days. Eight shrimps were randomly selected from the tank and sampled at different days after the first oral administration. Norfloxacin concentrations of hemolymph, hepatopancreas, gill and muscle were analyzed by HPLC and the activities of CYP1A (ECOD) and CYP2 (APND) was measured in hepatopancreas of F. chinensis by UV spectrophotometry and fluorospectrophotometry. The results showed that the t1/2β was significantly shorter in the combined treatment group than in the single treatment group, and the theoretical withdrawal period of combined treatment group reduced 23.92%, 22.73%, 25.92% and 21.92% compared with the single treatment group in hemolymph, hepatopancreas, gill and muscle. The activity of ECOD in the single treatment group was significantly lower than in the control group on the ninth, eleventh (P<0.01) and thirteenth days (P<0.05), while the activity of ECOD in the combined treatment group was only significantly lower than that in the control group on eleventh day(P<0.05), and it was significantly higher than control group on the fifteenth day (P<0.01); The activity of APND was significantly lower than the control group on the sixth and seventh days in the single treatment group and the combined treatment group (P<0.05), while it was significantly higher in the combined treatment group than the control group on the fifteenth day (P<0.01). Norfloxacin led to a very significant decrease of the activities of ECOD and APND compared to the control group, and the baicalin as an inducer could stimulate ECOD and APND to increase the enzyme activity in F. chinensis. When the norfloxacin and baicalin were administrated to farmed shrimps as medicated feed to treat bacterial infection, the inhibition of norfloxacin and the activation of baicalin could be considered to prevent a drug from affecting other drugs worse for F. chinensis, in order to keep the food safety for the people’s health and the national economy.
Key words:  baicalin  norfloxacin  Fenneropenaeus chinensis  CYP450
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