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陈永华1, 李思忍1
中国科学院 海洋研究所
将传统定位浮标加以改进, 可以形成一种能有效吸收和传递波浪能的锚泊系统。此系统的最上端是漂浮着的海面浮标, 海面浮标下端连着锚泊钢缆, 锚泊钢缆下端到海底之间又依次连有张紧锤、储链和重物锚块。锚泊系统中的海面浮标随波浪同步上下起伏, 从而带动与其连在一起的由张紧锤绷直的锚泊钢缆上下振动, 于是海面浮标吸收波浪能并由引导缆向下传递。20 m 长的储链可以保证整个装置在涨潮、退潮的极限水深情况下, 仍旧可以有效地传递海表面波浪能; 合适的重物锚块可以起到为整个系统定位的功能。最后给出了一个实际应用波浪能的例子。设计制作的锚泊系统可以有效吸收和传递波浪能, 为波浪能的利用提供了一种行之有效的方法。
关键词:  波浪能  吸收与传递  锚泊系统  设计制作
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(41106083; 41106084)
Design and development of a mooring system for the absorption and transmission of wave energy
On the basis of traditional buoy, the new mooring system for the absorption and transmission of wave energy can be obtained. On the top of the system is the surface float which is connected by tether line. At the lower part of the system are pendulum, chain and anchor, which are connected end to end to the other side of the tether line. The surface float drifts well with the wave and the tether line is vertical between the surface float and the pendulum. The surface float falls with the passage of a wave trough and rises with the passage of a wave crest, which makes the mooring line heave together. Thus the surface float absorbs the wave energy and the mooring line tranfer the energy down. The 20 meters long chain makes sure that the system can work effectively even at high and low tides. An anchor with proper weight fastens the whole system to seabed. In the end, the author gives an example of wave energy application. The desighed mooring system can absorb and transfer the wave energy providing a useful way to make use of the wave energy.
Key words:  wave energy  absorption and transmission  mooring system  design and development
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