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引用本文:孙中之,周 军,赵振良,许玉甫,高文斌,庄 申,陈 孛,王 俊,阎 伟,王成华,孟维东.黄渤海区捕捞结构的研究[J].海洋科学,2012,36(6):44-53.
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孙中之1, 周 军2, 赵振良2, 许玉甫2, 高文斌2, 庄 申2, 陈 孛3, 王 俊1, 阎 伟1, 王成华1, 孟维东4
1.农业部海洋渔业资源可持续发展重点开放实验室, 中国水产科学研究院 黄海水产研究所;2.河北省水产研究所;3.农业部黄渤海区渔政局;4.河北省渔政处
根据2010 年对黄渤海沿海32 个主要渔港、渔村和5 家网具生产厂家的实地调查和现场测量资料, 结合2009 年度三省一市(河北、辽宁、山东、天津)的渔具渔法调查报告以及1983~2009 年中国渔业年鉴中记载的捕捞产量分类统计资料, 对黄渤海区捕捞结构进行了研究。研究结果表明, 黄渤海区主要捕捞品种有30 种之多, 其中年渔获量超过万吨的有14 种鱼类、5 种甲壳类、4 种头足类、2 种海蜇和6 种贝类。渔业资源品种的多样性决定了黄渤海区捕捞结构的多样化和多层次的特点, 现有9 大类19 型23 式130 种网型或作业方式, 同时受渔业资源变动的影响, 捕捞网具也在变化, 不断有旧的渔具消失和新的网具出现。其中, 拖网是主要作业方式, 贡献率为38.47%~51.79%, 且近几年还有上升的趋势; 其次为刺网, 贡献率从1983 年最低时的7.66%逐步上升到目前的30.14%; 第三为张网, 贡献率从1985 年最高时的34.31%下降到目前的10.49%; 围网和钓具的贡献率一直较低, 均不足4%, 其他渔具的贡献率为5.98%~13.30%。目前黄渤海区渔业结构的调整方向应当是减少拖网作业, 控制刺网总量, 限制张网、陷阱类渔具和地笼, 鼓励发展钓渔业。
关键词:  黄渤海区  捕捞结构  渔具  贡献率  渔获品种
基金项目:农业部公益性行业( 农业) 科研专项经费资助项目(200903005, 201203018)
The fishing structure of the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
The fishing structure of Yellow Sea and Bohai sea was investigated on the basis of field investigation and the 2010 data of the 32 main fishing ports, fishing villages, and five major fishing gear manufacturers along the investigated areas, supplemented by the 2009 annual report on the fishing gears and fishing methods issued individually by provincial fishery bureaus of Hebei, Liaoning, Shandong and Tianjin and relevant data from Chinese Fisheries Yearbook from 1983 to 2009. More than 30 major fishing species existed in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea area, and the annual catch of 14 fishes, five crustaceans, four cephalopods, two jellyfishes and six shellfishes was more than ten thousand tons. The fishing species in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, had altogether 9 categories, 19 types, 23 styles, and 130 kinds of nets or operating types. The multiplicity was determined by the diversity of fishing species in these areas. New fishing gears constantly appeared and old ones vanished, depending on the evolvement of the fishery resource in the investigated areas. Trawl-net was the main operating type and its contribution rate fluctuated between 38.47% to 51.79% with a rising trend in recent years; Gill-nets followed, and its contribution rate had raised from the lowest of 7.66% in 1983 to current 30.14%; Stow-net was in the third, and its contribution rate had decreased from the highest of 34.31% in 1985 to the present 10.49%. The contribution rates of purse seine and hook fishery were less than 4%, and that of other fishing gears fluctuated between 5.98%~13.30%. Presently, the fishery structure of Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea should be adjusted by gradually reducing the operation of trawl-net, controlling the total numbers of gill-nets, limiting stow-net, trapped fishing-gear and bottom cage-trap and encouraging hook gear fishing.
Key words:  Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea  fishing structure  fishing gear  contribution rate  fishing species
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