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引用本文:李 靖,周 林,郑崇伟,韩晓伟,陈晓斌.太平洋海浪场时空特征分析[J].海洋科学,2012,36(6):94-100.
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李 靖1,2, 周 林1,2, 郑崇伟1,3, 韩晓伟1,4, 陈晓斌1,2
1.解放军理工大学 气象学院;2.全军海洋水文环境数值模拟研究中心;3.92538 部队气象台;4.92858 部队水文气象中心
为了深入了解太平洋海浪场特别是涌浪场的时空分布特征, 利用44 a(1958~2001 年)ERA-40 海浪再分析资料对南、北太平洋风浪和涌浪的波高和波向进行了统计分析, 结果表明: 北太平洋海浪场比南太平洋具有更明显的季节变化特征, 四季中南太平洋涌浪均有明显的越赤道北传过程。南、北半球西风带海浪波高随时间呈线性增长趋势, 且涌浪分别存在2.4~3.7 a 和2.9 a 左右的显著周期, 风浪和混合浪波高存在6.5 a 和5.2 a 的共同周期。
关键词:  太平洋  风浪  涌浪  季节变化
Spatial-temporal variation analysis of sea wave field in the Pacific Ocean
The seasonal characteristics of wave field in the Pacific Ocean from the year 1958 to 2001 were analyzed with ERA-40 wave data obtained from ECMWF. The seasonal variations of significant wave height and wave direction in the north Pacific Ocean were more salient than those in the south Pacific Ocean. The wave height grew linearly with trend line of linear regression between the westerlies of the southern and northern hemispheres. According to the spectral analysis of swell and the overall significant wave height in the Pacific Ocean, the northern and southern hemispheres changed periodically and had equal cycle lengths. The cycle lengths were about 6.5 years and 5.2 years, about 2.4~3.7 years and 2.9 years (wind sea) in the southern and northern hemispheres, respectively.
Key words:  the Pacific Ocean  wind sea  swell  seasonal variation
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