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方神光1, 陈文龙1, 崔丽琴1
珠江水利委员会 珠江水利科学研究院
为阐明伶仃洋河口水域纳潮现状和特性, 分别采用经验公式和建立贴体曲线坐标系下的珠江河口二维数学模型的方法, 对河口伶仃洋水域的纳潮特性进行了分析和探讨。数学模型的离散和求解采用纯隐格式的混合有限分析法, 根据实测资料对其进行了验证。比较显示, 采用实测资料和经验公式计算到的伶仃洋水域纳潮量与数学模型的计算结果相差在5%以内, 从而证实了数学模型的可靠性。结果表明, 伶仃洋海域的主要纳潮口门为伶仃洋口门, 约占总纳潮量的87.7%, 通过香港暗士顿水道进出的潮量仅占12.3%左右, 显示伶仃洋口门为该海域的主要径潮通道, 对该河口的防洪和生态具有重要的作用。
关键词:  伶仃洋  纳潮量  经验公式  数学模型
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51109232); 广东省自然科学基金项目(10151061101000001)
Characteristics of tidal prism of the Lingdingyang Bay
Tidal prism characteristics of the Lingdingyang Bay were analyzed on the basis of both empirical formula and a two-dimensional mathematical model under body-fitted curvilinear coordinates. The pure implicit scheme of hybrid finite analytic method was applied to discrete and solute equations. The mathematical model was validated with the measured data. The error between tidal prism calculated by empirical formula using measured data and tidal prism of the Lingdingyang Bay calculated by the mathematical model was less than 5%. The results indicated that the Lingdingyang Bay mouth was the main path of tidal current which accounted for about 87.7% of total tidal prism and Anshidun waterway accounted for about 12.3%. The Lingdingyang Bay mouth was the main channel of flood and tide for the sea and played important role on flood control and estuarine ecosystem.
Key words:  the Lingdingyang Bay  tidal prism  empirical formula  mathematical model
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