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引用本文:赵 嘉,李嘉晓.“蓝色粮仓”的内涵阐析及其建设设想——以青岛市为例[J].海洋科学,2012,36(8):70-74.
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赵 嘉1, 李嘉晓2
1.中国海洋大学 管理学院;2.青岛市社会科学院经济研究所
基于“蓝色粮仓”基本概念和科学发展观, 分析了建设青岛市“蓝色粮仓”的基础条件, 如广阔的海域和近岸滩涂面积、丰富的海洋生物资源种类、不断改善的海洋生态环境、雄厚的海洋科技实力等,还分析了建设青岛市“蓝色粮仓”的功能定位。在此基础上提出了建设青岛市“蓝色粮仓”的基本设想,即选择对海水养殖业、资源保护与增殖业、海水种苗业、远洋渔业、海产品加工业、海产品流通与市场等领域进行重点扶持和建设。
关键词:  蓝色粮仓  海域  近岸滩涂  海洋生物资源
Elaborations on the concept of “blue granary” and its construction envision——with Qingdao as an example
Based on the notion of the “blue granary”, we analyzed the basic conditions to construct a “blue granary” at Qingdao, such as the vast waters and inshore shoals, rich marine living resources, continuous improvement of the marine ecosystemenvironment, abundant marine scientific and technological strength, and the functional orientation of constructing Qingdao “blue granary”. On this basis, we presented a vision of constructing “blue granary” of Qingdao, with a focus on supporting and building aquaculture, resource protection and proliferation of industry, seawater seed industry, offshore fishing, seafood processing industry, seafood circulation and market.
Key words:  blue granary  sea area  inshore shoals  marine life resources
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