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引用本文:彭全材,宋金明,张全斌,孙 萱,李 军.几种海藻中无机阴离子的组成及与海水环境的关系[J].海洋科学,2012,36(9):75-81.
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彭全材1, 宋金明1, 张全斌1, 孙 萱1, 李 军1
中国科学院 海洋研究所
采用色谱法分析获得了 10 种常见海藻中的 F-、Cl-、SO42-、PO43- 、NO3- 、I-等无机阴离子的组成特征, 并初步探讨了其阴离子组成与海水环境的初步关系。结果表明, 主要无机阴离子总含量褐藻高于绿藻和红藻, 且存在显著性差异; 褐藻和绿藻门的羽藻容易富集碘, 是良好的生物碘源。通过多元统计分析显示 Cl-与I-相关程度最密切(r=0.681), 其次是PO43- 与I-以及PO43- 与Cl-; 主成分1主要是F-、SO42-和NO3-贡献比较大, 主成分2 主要是PO43- 、Cl-及I-贡献比较大。海藻中阴离子的浓缩因子与海水中该元素逗留时间的对数相关统计表明, 孔石莼、浒苔和鼠尾藻的相关系数大于 0.9, 说明某些海藻与海水中的非金属无机元素的分布迁移有密切的联系, 研究近岸区域海藻中无机非金属元素的组成可为揭示元素生物地球化学循环提供重要讯息。
关键词:  无机阴离子  海藻  海水环境
Inorganic anion compositions of marine algae and the relationship with seawater environment
Compositions of inorganic anions in ten seaweeds were determined by chromatographic methods, and the relationship with seawater environment was discussed. The result showed that brown algae were richer in inorganic anions than others. There was a significant difference in the contents of inorganic anions in ten seaweeds. The Brown algae and Bryopsis plumosa Ag., which contained high level of iodide, were good iodine sources. Ten strains of marine algae were analyzed by multivariate statistic analysis and correlation coefficients analysis. The result showed the chloride was closely related to iodide(r=0.681), the phosphate was related to chloride and iodide. The factors that contributed to the PCA1 were fluoride, sulfate, and nitrate. The factors that contributed to the PCA2 were chloride, phosphate, and iodide. The statistic test of the logarithm of residence time and enrichment factor showed that the related coefficient was greater than 0.9 in Ulva pertusa Kjellm, Sargassum thunbergii Okam. and Enteromorpha prolifera. The results showed that the enrichment factor of anions in seaweeds had close relation with the distribution of nonmetal elements in seawater. The research of nonmetal elements of seaweed in coastal water can provide important information on the biogeochemical cycles.
Key words:  Inorganic anions  Seaweed  Seawater environment
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