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引用本文:任 伟,袁著涛,刘升平.浮筏式养殖中海带个体生产力与夹苗位置之间的相关性分析[J].海洋科学,2012,36(9):122-127.
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任 伟1, 袁著涛1, 刘升平1
在浮筏式养殖中, 海带的个体生产力与夹苗位置密切相关, 上水层的海带长势较好。在育种中按照生产性状优劣的方法选种时, 可被选种的个体仅占总个体的10%左右。本文采用同一对配子体无性繁殖系培育的克隆苗为实验材料, 进行了个体生产力与夹苗位置之间的相关性分析。实验结果表明:在长度、宽度、厚度、鲜质量、干质量等各项指标中, 干质量最能体现海带的个体生产力, 得到方程式: y=-0.010x+0.387(R=0.933, P<0.01), 该方程式表达了夹苗位置对海带个体生产力的影响。在海带育种选种时, 利用公式y=0.010(n-1)+ x, 可以通过各个夹苗位置的实测值计算出最佳夹苗位置的期望值,消除因环境因素对海带个体生产力带来的影响, 使实验结果之间有了可比性, 能避免选种中的漏选或误选。
关键词:  海带  浮筏式养殖  个体生产力  夹苗位置  育种
基金项目:农业部948 资助项目(Z-1025)
The correlation analysis of individual productivity and clip seedlings position of Laminaria japonica on raft culture
For the raft culture breeding Laminaria japonica, individual productivity was closely related to clip seedlings position. L. japonica a in upper water grew better. Using the method of collecting germplasm according to character quality, the germplasm we needed accounted for only about 10% in all of L. japonica. The experiment materials were cloned seedlings from the same gametophyte clones, and made correlation analysis between the individual productivity and clip seedlings position. Comparison among length, width, thickness, fresh weight and dry weight showed that the dry weight could reflect individual productivity preferably. We derived an equation, y=-0.010x+0.387(R=0.933, P<0.01). This equation expressed the clip seedlings position influence individual productivity. In selecting seeds of Laminaria breeding, we could calculate the expectation values from the experimental values measured at the same clip seedlings position by the equation, y=0.010(n-1)+x, enabling the data in different seedlings position to be comparable, eliminating the environment factors that influence the individual productivity of L. japonica and avoiding missing or mistakenly selection of seeds.
Key words:  Laminaria japonica  raft culture  individual productivity  seedling clamping position  seeds selection
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