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引用本文:官 晟,王岩峰,黄振兴,高军伟.用于海气界面微尺度过程观测的水槽设计与实验[J].海洋科学,2012,36(10):92-98.
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官 晟1, 王岩峰1, 黄振兴2, 高军伟2
1.国家海洋局 第一海洋研究所;2.青岛大学 自动化工程学院,
为了给海气界面研究中的仿真与验证提供较全面的研究数据, 根据现有技术基础和国际前沿观测技术及设备的发展水平, 设计完成了具有造风造波能力, 并满足小尺度波浪破碎和混合、微尺度坡度场、水体内部的湍流混合、界面的热辐射及传输等过程观测需要的小型多功能水槽。实验结果表明,该小型多功能水槽各部分配合顺畅, 达到了各项观测技术的要求。该水槽可以成为海气界面研究的一个多手段、便捷的室内实验平台。
关键词:  风浪水槽  海气界面  微尺度  湍流  热辐射
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41076062); 中央级科学事业单位修缮购置专项项目
Design and experiments of a flume for the observation of air-sea interface microscale
To provide more comprehensive research data for theoretical simulation and verification in the research of the air-sea interaction, a wind-wave flume is designed basing on the existing technology and the development of international cutting-edge observing technology and equipment. It can be used to meet the observation need of the process of small-scale wave breaking and mixing, microscale slope field, turbulent mixing within water, the thermal radiation and transmission at the water interface. The experiments showed that different parts of the flume worked with each other smoothly, and reached the requirements of various observation techniques. This small multifunctional flume could be a multifunctional and convenient indoor experimental platform for the research of the air-sea interaction.
Key words:  wind-wave flume  air-sea interface  microscale  turbulent flow  thermal radiation
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