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引用本文:曲桂燕,刘 旭,汪东风,袁 毅,韩丽君.海带中岩藻聚糖硫酸酯提取工艺评价模型的建立与探讨[J].海洋科学,2012,36(11):44-49.
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曲桂燕1,2, 刘 旭2,3, 汪东风1, 袁 毅2, 韩丽君2
1.中国海洋大学 食品科学与工程学院;2.中国科学院 海洋研究所;3.安徽农业大学 茶与食品科技学院
采用均匀设计从海带中热水提取岩藻聚糖硫酸酯, 以粗多糖提取率(Yw)、岩藻糖提取率(Yf)和硫酸根提取率(Ys)为评价指标, 并采用综合加权评分法综合考虑各试验因素对以上三个指标的影响。利用Minitab 软件分析加权值Y与各因素的相关性, 再通过回归方程优化岩藻聚糖硫酸酯的工艺参数。建立了加权值Y与提取温度(X1)、提取时间(X2)和液料比(X3)之间的二次回归模型, 即Y= 65.2 + 0.555x1 + 1.73x2 + 0.587x3 + 0.0236x12 + 0.0939x32- 0.110x1x2。优化后获得最佳提取工艺参数。
关键词:  海带  岩藻聚糖硫酸酯  均匀设计  回归方程  热水提取  加权评分
Study on evaluation model of extracting process of fucoidan from Laminaria japonica
Fucoidan was extracted from Laminaria japonica by hot water through uniform design. To optimize the extraction parameters, the weighting values of the separate yields of crude fucoidan (Yw), fucose (Yf) and sulfate (Ys) were used by Minitab. The results showed that the behavior of system was explained by the following quadratic equation between the weighting values (Y) and the factors (extraction temperature, extraction time and the ratio of solution to algae power): Y= 65.2 + 0.555x1 + 1.73x2 + 0.587x3 + 0.0236x12 + 0.0939x32- 0.110x1x2. Based on that equation, the optimization condition was that extraction temperature 100℃, extraction time 1h and the ratio of solution to algae power 35 (mL:g). Under this condition, the extraction rate of crude fucoidan, fucose and sulfate group was 6.50%, 2.65% and 1.36%, respectively.
Key words:  Laminaria japonica  fucoidan  uniform design  regression equation  hot water  weighting values
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