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引用本文:黄 慧,李新正,王洪法,张宝琳,王金宝,马 林.山东半岛镆铘岛潮间带大型底栖动物群落特征[J].海洋科学,2012,36(11):90-97.
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黄 慧1,2, 李新正1, 王洪法1, 张宝琳1, 王金宝1, 马 林1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 研究生院
于2007 年1 月至2007 年10 月间冬、春、夏、秋4 个季度月, 对位于山东荣成的镆铘岛潮间带的高潮带、中潮带和低潮带进行大型底栖动物生态调查, 根据所获得的样品, 对该潮间带不同潮区大型底栖动物的种类组成、平均密度、平均生物量及物种多样性进行了分析。本次调查共采到大型底栖动物92 种, 其中多毛类环节动物11 科22 种, 软体动物17 科28 种, 甲壳动物18 科33 种, 棘皮动物2科2 种, 扁形动物1 种, 腔肠动物2 种, 鱼类3 种; 平均栖息密度为329.67 个/m2, 软体动物贡献最大,其次为甲壳动物; 平均生物量为81.74 g/m2, 软体动物贡献最大, 其次为多毛类环节动物。镆铘岛潮间带多样性指数H'垂直变化规律为高潮带>中潮带>低潮带, 季节变化规律为秋季>春季>冬季>夏季。
关键词:  潮间带  大型底栖动物  镆铘岛  山东半岛
Characteristics of macrobenthos community from the intertidal zones of Moye Island, Shandong Peninsula
Based on the macrobenthos collected seasonally from three intertidal zones (the high, middle and low tidal zones) in Moye Island, Shandong Peninsula during January to October 2007, the characteristics of macrobenthos community were investigated in this paper. Ninety-two species were found in this area, including 22 Polychate species, 28 Mollusk species, 33 Crustacean species, 2 Echinoderm species and 6 species belonging to other groups. The average biomass and abundance were 81.74 g/m2 and 329.67 ind./m2, respectively. Mollusca were the dominant group to the total biomass, followed by Crustacea; Mollusca also provided most contribution to the total abundance, followed by Polychaeta. The Shannon-Weiner index was highest in the high tidal zone and lowest in the low tidal zone, and varied with seasons, autumn > spring > winter > summer.
Key words:  Intertidal zone  Macrobenthos  Moye Island  Shandong Peninsula
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