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引用本文:徐 杏,于仁成,罗 璇,冯振洲,李爱峰,颜 天,周名江,白 洁.温度、盐度和光照对一株有毒利玛原甲藻生长的影响研究[J].海洋科学,2012,36(12):19-24.
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徐 杏1, 于仁成2, 罗 璇2, 冯振洲2, 李爱峰1, 颜 天2, 周名江2, 白 洁1
1.中国海洋大学 教育部海洋环境与生态重点实验室;2.中国科学院 海洋研究所海洋生态与环境科学重点实验室
针对一株利玛原甲藻(Prorocentrum lima Dodge), 应用小鼠生物测试法和高效液相色谱-质谱联用分析方法对其毒性和毒素成分进行了初步分析, 并通过多因子实验, 研究了温度、盐度和光照强度等环境因子对利玛原甲藻生长的影响。分析结果显示, 这株利玛原甲藻能够产生大田软海绵酸(Okadaic acid, OA)和鳍藻毒素1(Dinophysistoxin 1, DTX1)等腹泻性贝毒(Diarrhetic Shellfish Poison, DSP)。多因素方差分析结果表明, 在实验条件范围内(温度为18、21 和24oC; 盐度为28、32 和36; 光照强度为2 500、5 000 和7 500 lx), 利玛原甲藻的生长受盐度影响显著 (P<0.05), 而温度和光照强度对利玛原甲藻的生长没有显著影响。温度和光照强度及温度和盐度之间的交互作用对利玛原甲藻的比增长率也有显著影响(P<0.05)。根据实验结果, 这株利玛原甲藻生长的最适条件为: 温度18oC, 盐度28, 光照强度7 500 lx。
关键词:  利玛原甲藻(Prorocentrum lima Dodge)  腹泻性贝毒  赤潮  温度  盐度  光照强度
基金项目:国家863 计划项目(2006AA09Z178); 国家自然科学基金项目(40676072)
Effects of temperature, salinity and light intensity on the growth of a toxic strain of Prorocentrum lima
The toxicity and toxin composition of a Prorocentrum lima strain (CCMP1996) was analyzed with mouse bioassay method and high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS), respectively. The effects of key environmental factors, including temperature, salinity and light intensity on the growth of P. lima were also studied. It was found that the strain showed diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxicity, and okadaic acid(OA) and dinophysistoxin 1(DTX1) were detected in the extract of P. lima cells. Based on the multi-factor analysis of variance, it was found that the growth of strain CCMP 1996 was significantly affected by different levels of salinity (28, 32 and 36) (P<0.05), while temperature (18, 21 and 24℃) and light intensity (2500, 5000 and 7500 lx) had no significant effects on its growth rate. The interactive effects between temperature and light intensity and between temperature and salinity also significantly affected the specific growth rate of the strain. The optimal growth condition for this strain of P. lima is: temperature at 18 ℃, salinity at 28 and light intensity at 7500 lx.
Key words:  Prorocentrum lima  diarrhetic shellfish poison  harmful algal bloom  temperature  salinity  light intensity
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