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引用本文:彭 勇,丁云娟,林 洪,王静雪.一株副溶血弧菌噬菌体VPp1 的分离鉴定及裂解性能[J].海洋科学,2013,37(1):96-101.
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一株副溶血弧菌噬菌体VPp1 的分离鉴定及裂解性能
彭 勇1, 丁云娟1, 林 洪1, 王静雪1
中国海洋大学 食品科学与工程学院 食品安全实验室
为探究副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)的生物防治方法, 从水产品市场处污水中分离出一株副溶血弧菌噬菌体VPp1。并借助噬菌斑形态、电镜、酶切等技术对其进行了分类鉴定, 同时测定了其裂解谱、最佳感染复数、一步生长曲线以研究其裂解性能。分类鉴定结果表明, 其核酸是线型双链DNA, 大小在15 kb 左右。具有一个正二十面体的头部, 头部直径大约为44 nm, 无尾, 属盖噬菌体科(Tectivirus); 裂解性能研究结果表明, 其在双层平板上培养12 h 可形成中心清亮的噬菌斑, 周围有大而明显的晕环。最佳感染复数为0.0001, 潜伏期为10 min, 裂解量为90.3, 是符合条件的潜伏期短裂解量大的理想噬菌体, 可用作进一步的应用。
关键词:  噬菌体  副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus)  鉴定  裂解性能
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(31071540); 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金资助项目(nycytx-50); 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2011CQ024)
Isolation, identification and lysis properties analysis of a Vibrio parahaemolyticus phage VPp1
In order to develop an effective bio-controlling method against Vibrio parahaemolyticus, a virulent phage VPp1 was isolated from aquatic sewage water and identified by plaque shapes, restriction, electronic microscope and lysis properties analyses. The results revealed that VPp1 contains a linear double stranded DNA with 15kb in size and it has an icosahedral head with 44 nm in diameter and does not have a tail, suggesting that VPp1 belongs to the Tectivirus family. VPp1 forms plaques with transparent center and large halo after culture in double-layer agar plate for 12 hours and its optimum MOI value was 0.0001. A one-step growth experiment showed that the latent period and burst size were estimated at 10 min and 90.3 phage particles/infected cell, respectively. VPp1 could be widely used because of its short latent period and large burst size.
Key words:  phage  Vibrio parahaemolyticus  identification  lysis properties
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