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引用本文:王巧宁,颜 天,周名江.低氧对中华哲水蚤存活和繁殖影响的实验研究[J].海洋科学,2013,37(2):12-16.
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王巧宁1,2, 颜 天1, 周名江1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 研究生院
为研究低氧对海洋浮游生物关键种存活、繁殖等的影响, 作者采用了实验室模拟低氧环境的方法, 研究了低溶解氧(dissolved oxygen, DO)浓度对中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)致死率、产卵和孵化的影响。研究发现, 中华哲水蚤对低氧环境比较敏感, 当DO 质量浓度为2 mg/L 左右时, 中华哲水蚤会在1h 内全部死亡; 当DO 质量浓度为3 mg/L 左右时, 中华哲水蚤会在96 h 内全部死亡; 当DO 质量浓度为4~6 mg/L 时, 基本无死亡, 但对中华哲水蚤的产卵有明显抑制作用, 首次产卵时间推迟, 产卵周期缩短。当DO 质量浓度为4 mg/L 时, 基本不产卵, 当DO 质量浓度为6 mg/L 时, 产卵量也仅为常氧组的15%左右。当DO 质量浓度为4~6 mg/L 时, 中华哲水蚤所产卵的孵化率为常氧组的60%左右, 但差异不显著。可见, 低氧对中华哲水蚤的存活和繁殖均有抑制作用, 长时间低氧很可能会降低中华哲水蚤的种群数量, 甚至改变海洋生态系统结构。
关键词:  低氧  中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)  死亡率  产卵率  孵化率
基金项目:国家重点基础研究规划项目(2010CB428705); 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目群(KZCX2-YW-Q07-02); 国家自然科学基金委资助项目(41121064, 41176100)
The effects of hypoxia on survival and reproduction of Calanus sinicus
The mortality rates and reproduction of Calanus sinicus at different concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) were investigated. The results showed that when DO declined to 2 mg/L, C. sinicus all died in 1 h. When DO declined to 3 mg/L, C.sinicus all died in 96 h. When DO was 4-6 mg/L, basically there was no death. But the spawning rate of C. sinicus could be significantly inhibited under this hypoxia condition. When DO was 4 mg/L, almost no spawn. When DO was 6 mg/L, the total spawning amount was only 15% of nornoxic group. When DO was 4-6 mg/L, the hatching rate was 60% of nomixic group. Therefore, hypoxia inhibits both survival and reproduction of C. sinicus. Long time hypoxia would reduce the population quantities of C. sinicus and even change the structure of ecosystem.
Key words:  Calanus sinicus  mortality rate  spawning rate  hatching rate
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