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引用本文:严加坤,杨爱国,周丽青,吴 彪,白临建,刘志鸿.基于线粒体16S rRNA 基因研究5 个栉江珧野生群体的遗传多样性[J].海洋科学,2013,37(2):36-42.
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基于线粒体16S rRNA 基因研究5 个栉江珧野生群体的遗传多样性
严加坤1,2, 杨爱国2, 周丽青2, 吴 彪2, 白临建1,2, 刘志鸿2
1.上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院;2.农业部黄渤海渔业资源可持续利用重点开放实验室, 中国水产科学研究院 黄海水产研究所
采用通用引物对山东长岛、文登、日照、广东湛江和海南三亚等5 个地理群体栉江珧(Atrina pectinta)16S rRNA 序列进行扩增、测序分析, 得到59 条441bp 的核苷酸序列。其中T、C、A、G 和A+T 的平均含量分别为29.91%、17.41%、25.74%、26.94%及55.65%, AT 含量高于GC 含量, 共检测到了9 个单倍型和26 个核苷酸多态位点。群体多样性分析表明, 文登群体具有较高的遗传多样性水平。AMOVA 分析表明, 五群体间总遗传分化系数Fst = 0.5007(P<0.001), 群体间遗传分化略大于群体内、群体间存在较高的遗传分化。基于群体间遗传距离构建NJ 和UPGMA 分子进化树, 5 个地理群体的栉江珧聚为两个支, 长岛、文登、日照群体聚为一支, 海南和湛江群体聚为另一支。
关键词:  栉江珧(Atrina pectinta)  16S rRNA  遗传多样性
基金项目:山东省科技发展计划项目(2010GHY10513); 山东省自然科学基金项目(ZR2009DQ006); 青岛市成果转化项目(10-3-4-17-chg);青岛市南区2011 年第二批科技发展资金项目(2011-5-023-QT); 国家科技基础条件平台项目
The genetic diversity of five populations of Atrina pectinta in China based on mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene
Mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene fragments of Atrina pectinta sampled from five locations (Changdao, Wendeng, Rizhao, Zhanjiang and Sanya) were amplified with universal primer; the PCR products were sequenced, and 441bp nucleotide sequences were obtained. The T, C, A, G and A+T contents in this fragment were 29.91%, 17.41%, 25.74%, 26.94%and 55.65%, respectively. The AT content was higher than the GC content. The diversity of the population analysis showed that the population of Wendeng had higher level of genetic diversity. Nine haplotypes were defined among five populations, which were from 26 segregating sites. The fixation indices (Fst) analyzed by AMOVA totaled to Fst = 0.5007 (P<0.001) showing that the genetic fixation inter-populations was a little larger than that intra-populations and indicated significant genetic fixation among the five populations. The Neighbor-joining (NJ) phylogenetic tree and UPGMA phylogenetic tree were made from the five populations of A. pectinta. The result showed that the population of WD, CD and RZ might have originated from one clade, while populations of HN and ZJ from another.
Key words:  Atrina pectinta  16S rRNA  Genetic diversity
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