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引用本文:王小刚,骆 剑,尹绍武,朱晓平,胡 静.点带石斑鱼的精子活力及超低温冷冻前后精子超微结构的比较[J].海洋科学,2013,37(2):70-75.
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王小刚1,2,3, 骆 剑2, 尹绍武1, 朱晓平2, 胡 静2
1.南京师范大学 生命科学学院;2.海南大学 海洋学院;3.海南省农业干部学校
研究了盐度、pH 对点带石斑鱼(Epinephelus malabaricus)精子活力的影响; 同时对超低温冷冻前后点带石斑鱼精子的超微结构进行了比较观察。研究结果表明: (1)该鱼精子活力的适宜盐度范围为15~35, 盐度为15 时, 精子寿命最长为26 min; 最适pH 值范围为6.5~8.0, 当pH 值为7.5 时, 精子的寿命最长为4 min; (2)超低温冷冻保存前, 正常的点带石斑鱼精子由头部、中段和尾部3 部分组成, 精子头部呈球圆形或近圆形, 直径约1.8 μm; 中段不明显, 可见线粒体; 鞭毛细长, 约15 μm , 尾部主要结构是轴丝, 为典型“9+2”微管结构; (3)超低温冷冻保存后, 点带石斑鱼精子的形态结构损伤明显, 主要表现为质膜褶皱、破裂, 细胞质外漏, 线粒体膨胀破损, 脱落和鞭毛断裂等特征。
关键词:  点带石斑鱼(Epinephelus malabaricus)  精子  精子活力  盐度  pH  超低温保存  超微结构
基金项目:国家“ 十一五” 科技支撑计划重点资助项目(2007BAD29B03)
Investigation of spermatozoa motility of Epinephelus malabaricus and comparison of the spermatozoa ultrastructure before and after ultra-low temperature freeze
The effects of salinity and pH value on spermatozoa motility of Epinephelus malabaricus were studied by setting gradients of them respectively. The differences in ultrastructure of the E. malabaricus spermatozoa before and after ultra-low temperature cryopreservation were observed and compared. The results are shown as follows: (1) the optimum range of salinity for the spermatozoa motility is 15~35. The longest life span of the spermatozoa is 26 min when salinity is 15. The optimum range of pH value is 6.5~8.0, the longest life span of the spermatozoa is 4 min when pH value is 7.5; (2) Before ultra-low temperature cryopreservation, the normal sperm consists of head, mid-piece and tail. The spermatozoon has a shaped round or ellipse head with diameter about 1.8 μm. The mid-piece is obscure but the mitochondria could be observed. The slender flagellum is about 15 μm. The main structure of tail is axoneme with a typical structure of “9 + 2” model; (3) After ultra-low temperature cryopreservation, the morphological structure of the sperm has been changed obviously. The main damages include membrane crimpled, cytoplasm leakage, mitochondria swelling or broken and tail cracked.
Key words:  Epinephelus malabaricus  spermatozoa  spermatozoa motility  salinity  pH  cryopreservation  ultrastructure
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