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引用本文:曹丛华,白 涛,高 松,徐江玲,曹雅静,吴玲娟,赵 鹏.胶州湾高分辨率三维风暴潮漫滩数值模拟[J].海洋科学,2013,37(2):118-125.
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曹丛华1,2, 白 涛1,2, 高 松1,2, 徐江玲1,2, 曹雅静1,2, 吴玲娟1,2, 赵 鹏1,2
1.国家海洋局 北海预报中心;2.山东省海洋生态环境与防灾减灾重点实验室
基于海表气压项改进的FVCOM(Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model)海洋模式, 研发胶州湾高分辨率三维风暴潮漫滩数值模式(JS-FVCOM)。利用JS-FVCOM 模式通过对天文潮、台风强度和径流3要素的不同组合, 共设计了5 个试验, 分别进行风暴潮漫滩模拟实验。分析各试验结果得到如下结论:(1)随着台风最大风速的增加, 风暴潮增水迅速增加, 当综合水位超过防潮堤高程后增水速度明显减慢。海水淹没范围和淹没深度受综合水位超防潮堤高程时间影响明显。(2)在入海河流的河口区, 当洪水位与高潮位相遇时, 由于高潮位的顶托作用, 洪水下泄不畅, 造成综合水位上升明显, 极易发生海水漫溢现象。JS-FVCOM 的模拟结果清楚地再现了海水漫堤的淹没过程, 可为紧急情况下的人员疏散提供科学的基础数据。
关键词:  FVCOM(Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model)  胶州湾  风暴潮  漫滩
基金项目:中国科学院海洋研究所海洋环流与波动重点实验室开放基金(KLOCAW0909, KLOCAW1206); 山东省海洋生态环境与防灾减灾重点实验室开放基金课题(2011016)
High resolution 3D storm surge and inundation numerical model used in the Jiaozhou Bay
Based on FVCOM (Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model) ocean model with improved sea surface atmosphere item, the high resolution 3D storm surge and inundation numerical model (JS-FVCOM) was developed in the Jiaozhou Bay, which has a much finer resolution especially in the Dagu River Estuary, where the grid sizes equal to about 20 m. Besides, by adopting MPI calculating method, the calculating time can be further reduced, which can satisfy the need of practical operation. With different combinations of three essential factors such as astronomic tides, typhoon intensity and river flux, five numerical experimentations were designed to simulate the process of storm surge. The results show that 1)the storm surge increases rapidly with the increase of typhoon intensity, however, it starts to decrease significantly when the water level is higher than the dike; 2)in tidal estuary, where the flooding encounters high tide, the floodplain will happen easily; 3) the JS-FVCOM model can successfully simulate the process of the storm surge with reasonable flooded coverage and water level, which can provide scientific and credible simulation data for the emergency response work, such as risk assessment of storm surge and staff evacuation.
Key words:  FVCOM (Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model)  the Jiaozhou Bay  storm surge  inundation
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