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引用本文:侯兆君,张 明,蒋富清,张宝玉.3 株深海细菌的生理及分子生物学鉴定[J].海洋科学,2013,37(3):11-16.
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3 株深海细菌的生理及分子生物学鉴定
侯兆君1, 张 明2, 蒋富清3, 张宝玉3
1.天津科技大学;2.安徽省肥西县城建环保局;3.中国科学院 海洋研究所
从西菲律宾海底4 954 m 深的沉积物中分离到一批深海细菌, 对其中编号为B2、B5、B6 的3株细菌进行了生理、光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察, 并且进行了分子水平鉴定。菌落呈圆球形, 光滑, 3株菌均带有颜色, B6 菌呈乳白色, B2 和B5 菌分别呈现鲜艳的橙色和红色。扫描电镜观察表明B2 和B6 呈杆状, 但B6 菌外面覆有鞘膜, B5 菌呈球状。生理实验表明, 3 株菌温度生长范围在37℃以下, 最适生长温度分别为20、28、28℃, 属于耐冷菌范畴。pH 耐受范围为6~14, 最适pH 分别为8、8、12。3 株细菌16S rRNA 基因序列同源性分析表明, 它们分属于芽孢杆菌(Bacillus)、节杆菌(Arthrobacter)、蛋白菌(Acinetobacter)3 个不同的菌属。
关键词:  深海细菌  电镜  16S rDNA
基金项目:科技部国家科技基础性工作专项(2012FY112900-01); 天津市科技兴海项目(KX2010-005); 中科院院先导项目(XDA0530401)
Identification of 3 strains of deep-sea bacteria by physiological and molecular biological methods
The investigated samples were collected from old, sediment-covered lava flows in the rift valley at a water depth around 4 954 m. Three strains of bacteria were purified and denoted as B2, B5 and B6. They were characterized with physiological, microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and molecular methods. The bacteria were round, smooth and with different color. B6 showed ivory yellow, while B2 and B5 showed vivid orange and red, respectively. SEM results showed that B2 and B6 is rod shape, but B6 is coved with tunica vaginalis. B5 is globular. The growth temperature of these three strains is below 37 ℃, the optimum growth temperature for B2, B5 and B6 was 20, 28 and 28℃, respectively. The pH tolerance range was 6~14, and the optimum pH was 8, 8 and 12, respectively. 16S rRNA sequence analysis showed that they belong to 3 different genus, and they are Bacillus (Bacillus), Arthrobacter (Arthrobacter) and protein in bacteria (Acinetobacter), respectively.
Key words:  deep-sea bacteria  scanning electron microscope  16S rDNA
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