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唐衍力1, 盛化香1, 齐广瑞1, 何宇虹1, 李世通1
中国海洋大学 水产学院
作者对不同内倾角海螺笼对脉红螺(Rapana venosa)的诱捕效果进行了实验研究。在实验室水槽中, 观察了4 种不同内倾角(35°、45°、55°和65°)的海螺笼对脉红螺的诱捕效果, 同时还研究了光照和温度对海螺笼诱捕效果的影响, 为优化海螺笼捕捞技术提供理论依据。实验结果表明: 在相同的实验条件下, 不同的内倾角对海螺笼诱捕效果影响十分显著(P<0.01), 其中内倾角为45°的海螺笼诱捕效果最好, 内倾角为35°和55°的海螺笼较好, 而内倾角为65°的海螺笼诱捕效果则最差。同时发现, 内倾角对脉红螺的个体大小具有选择性, 随着内倾角的增大, 壳高<7cm 的个体占相应笼诱捕总数的百分比越来越小。光照对海螺笼的捕捞效果有十分显著的影响, 而温度的影响则不明显。
关键词:  海螺笼  脉红螺(Rapana venosa)  内倾角  光照  选择性
The trapping effectiveness of Rapana venosa by cages with different leaning angles
The trapping effectiveness of Rapana venosa by cages with different leaning angles was studied in this paper. The trapping effectiveness of four kinds of cages with different leaning angle (35 °, 45 °, 55 ° and 65 °) in the laboratory sink was observed. And we also investigated the influence of light and temperature on the cage trapping of R. venosa. These would provide theory basis for optimization of the cage fishing technology of conch. The results showed that the influence of different leaning angles on the effect of cage trapping is very significant (P<0.01). The cage with a leaning angle of 45° has the best effect of trapping, followed by cages with leaning angles of 35° and 55°. The cage with a leaning angle of 65° has the worst effect of trapping. We also found that cages with different leaning angles exhibited selectivity towards different sizes of R. venosa. With the increase of leaning angle, the percentage of R. venosa with shell height less than 7 cm decreased The influence of light on the trapping effect is very significance, while the influence of temperature is weak.
Key words:  the conch cage  Rapana venosa  leaning angle  light  selectivity
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