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引用本文:姜会超,田 黎,史振平,张久明.胶州湾海域PAHs 污染与可培养半知菌的多样性[J].海洋科学,2013,37(5):33-38.
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胶州湾海域PAHs 污染与可培养半知菌的多样性
姜会超1,2, 田 黎1,2, 史振平1, 张久明1
1.青岛科技大学;2.国家海洋局 第一海洋研究所
用5 种不同的培养基对胶州湾近岸污染环境可培养半知菌进行选择性分离, 共得到235 株半知菌, 其中YM 培养基、MPDA 培养基对半知菌的分离效果最好, 分别占分离总量的26.4%和24.7%。试验选择的3 个站位: 石老人潮间带、海泊河入海口、李村河入海口PAHs 含量存在显著性差异(P<0.05),其中石老人最低, 平均为113.8 ng/g, 海泊河PAHs 为324.9 ng/g, 介于中等水平, 李村河含量最高为882.1 ng/g。可培养半知菌群体随PAHs 含量的增加表现出先升高后降低的趋势。对各站位的半知菌进行统计发现, 污染不同的站位, 可培养半知菌优势种群不同, 说明PAHs 的污染可对半知菌的菌落结构组成产生影响。
关键词:  胶州湾  PAHs  半知菌
基金项目:“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAE06B04); 国家863 计划项目(2011AA10A202-2, 2011AA09070402); 海洋公益项目(201005032-2)
Culturable deuteromycetes diversity and PAHs contamination in Jiaozhou bay
Five different kinds of culture medium were used to selectively isolate culturable Deuteromycetes in contaminated coast of Jiaozhou bay and 235 strains of Deuteromycetes were obtained. Among the medium, YM and MPDA isolated Deuteromycetes the best. The isolate rates of the total isolated-strains of YM and MPDA were 26.4% and 24.7%, respectively. PAHs contents among the three sampling sites manifested significant difference (P<0.05) with the lowest in Shilaoren tidal zone (average 113.8ng/g), moderate in Haibo River estuary (average 324.9 ng/g) and the highest in Licun River estuary (average 882.1ng/g). On the basis of the changes of PAHs contents in different sites, with the increase of PAHs amount, the amount of culturable Deuteromycetes increased in certain degree and then decreased. Further research showed that the dominant species differed in the three sites with different PAHs contents which indicated PAHs contamination might exert effect on the composition of Deuteromycetes colony.
Key words:  Jiaozhou bay  PAHs  deuteromycetes
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