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引用本文:郑 一,岳 军,纪乃华,施国全,韦俊霞.基于PAADCP 的海流流速的误差分析及校正方法[J].海洋科学,2013,37(5):81-86.
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基于PAADCP 的海流流速的误差分析及校正方法
郑 一1, 岳 军1, 纪乃华1, 施国全2, 韦俊霞2
1.青岛理工大学 理学院 数值计算与应用研究所;2.杭州中船重工第七一五声学研究所
为了更加合理、有效地利用海流测速数据, 必须进行误差分解和校正。通过分析相控阵声学多普勒海流剖面仪(PAADCP)测试海流流速的原理, 提出了海试数据粗差区别与动态校正的算法, 采用小波多尺度分析方法, 降低了系统误差和随机误差, 建立了海流流速的误差分析与校正方法。利用海试实测的垂向流速数据, 分析了一般情况下的海流流速的误差, 得到垂向流速的均值±0.02 m/s, 误差精确度小于0.23 m/s, 验证了方法的有效性及合理性。所得算法和方法对于海流测速数据的实时处理和后处理具有实用价值。
关键词:  海流垂向流速  误差分析  粗差校正  小波分析  相控阵声学多普勒海流剖面仪(PAADCP)
A method of error analysis and correction of ocean current velocity based on phased array acoustic Doppler current profiler
In order to use current velocity data more reasonably and effectively, error decomposition and correction must be disposed first. Based on the analysis of the theory of phased array acoustic Doppler current profiler (PAADCP), a method to distinguish the gross errors and to correct the gross errors is introduced, by the method of multi-scaling wavelet analysis, we reduced the systematical errors and the random errors, a method of errors analysis and correction of ocean current velocity is established. Through analysis of the original ocean vertical velocity data and the errors, we got that the average value of vertical velocity ranges from –0.02 to 0.02 m/s, and the accuracy is less than 0.23 m/s, which shows that the method is effective and reasonable. The obtained algorithms and methods for real-time processing and post processing the current data have a practical value.
Key words:  ocean current vertical velocity  error analysis  gross error correction  wavelet analysis  phased array acoustic Doppler current profiler (PAADCP)
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