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引用本文:赵小波,逄少军,刘 峰.几种江蓠属海藻3个分子序列的系统学分析[J].海洋科学,2013,37(6):8-15.
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赵小波1,2, 逄少军1, 刘 峰1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院大学
分析了我国沿海几种常见的江蓠属(Gracilaria)海藻的18SrRNA基因、cox2-3间隔区以及RUBISCO间隔区的分子序列,并结合GenBank现有的相关数据进行了分子系统学关系分析,为江蓠属的系统进化和分类地位提供了新的佐证。结果表明,基于cox2-3间隔区、以及RUBISCO间隔区序列构建的MP(Maximum parsimony)进化树较为相似,而与基于18SrRNA构建的进化树略有不同。这主要是由于18SrRNA更为保守的原因;扁江蓠与脆江蓠在3个系统树中均聚合成支,显示了它们之间具有较近的亲缘关系;龙须菜与江蓠属海藻具有较远的遗传距离,在3个进化树中,龙须菜也均位于进化树的基部,单独成支,证实龙须菜并不隶属于江蓠属,且分化相对较早。
关键词:  江蓠属(Gracilaria)  18S rRNA  cox2-3 间隔区  RUBISCO 间隔区
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41176135); 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(41206146)
Molecular phylogeny of several common Gracilaria species inferred from 18S rRNA, cox2-3 intergenic spacer and RUBISCO spacer sequence comparisons
Sequences of three molecular markers (18S rRNA, cox2-3 intergenic spacer and RUBISCO spacer), in combination with data from GenBank, were used to analyze the phylogentic relations of Gracilaria species collected from the coast of China. Phylogenetic trees that were constructed using cox2-3 and RUBISCO spacer sequences exhibited the same pattern but differed slightly from that of the 18S rRNA-based phylogenetic tree due to a higher degree of conservation of the latter. Gracilaria textorii was sister to G. chouae in all three trees showing the close relationship between the two species. The results further confirm that the Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis does not belong to the genus Gracilaria. Results also indicate an earlier evolution status of G.lemaneiformis based on these three sequence comparisons.
Key words:  Gracilaria  18SrRNA  cox2-3 intergenic spacer  RUBISCO spacer
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