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引用本文:丁 慧.海水ORP对3C钢腐蚀行为的影响[J].海洋科学,2013,37(6):73-76.
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丁 慧1
研究了氧化还原电位(Oxidation Reduction Potential,ORP)对海水中碳钢腐蚀电化学特征的影响,应用动电位极化曲线法探讨了ORP与碳钢腐蚀行为之间的关系。结果表明,海水的ORP参数对碳钢腐蚀行为具有较大的影响,其中O2/OH-电对的作用占主导,其他电对如Fe3+/Fe2+也有一定的影响。随着海水ORP的增大,其氧化能力越强,碳钢腐蚀电流增大,腐蚀速度加快。水质相对稳定的开放性大洋海水中,可以考虑海水氧化还原电位在碳钢腐蚀速度预测评估中的应用。
关键词:  氧化还原电位(Oxidation Reduction Potential, ORP)  氧化还原电对  海水腐蚀
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(40706031); 山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金(BS2010NJ025)
Effect of oxidation reduction potential of seawater on corrosion behavior of 3C steel
Effect of oxidation reduction potential (ORP) on corrosion electrochemical characterization of carbon steel in seawater was studied in this paper. Potentiodynamic polarization curve was used to investigate the relationship between ORP and corrosion behavior of carbon steel. Results show that ORP has obvious influence on corrosion behavior of carbon steel in seawater. Among the oxidation reduction pairs, the role of O2/OH- is governing and Fe3+/Fe2+ also play a role. With the increase of ORP, the oxidation ability of seawater becomes stronger, and corrosion current of carbon steel in seawater increases, so does the corrosion rate. In an open ocean seawater which has stable water quality, the function of ORP on corrosion rate prediction and assessment of carbon could be considered.
Key words:  Oxidation Reduction Potential, Oxidation Reduction Pair, Seawater Corrosion
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