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引用本文:许 妍,梁 斌,兰冬东,鲍晨光,于春艳,马明辉.小尺度海洋生态功能分区指标体系与技术方法研究——以长兴岛近海海域为例[J].海洋科学,2013,37(6):89-94.
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许 妍1, 梁 斌1, 兰冬东1, 鲍晨光1, 于春艳1, 马明辉1
关键词:  海洋  生态功能  分区  长兴岛
基金项目:国家海洋局青年海洋科学基金(2013125); 海洋公益性行业科研专项(201005014); 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(201107019)
The index system and technology method of marine ecological function zoning in small scale—A case study of offshore area in Changxing island
Taking marine ecosystem of Changxing Island in Liaoning province as research object, based on analysis of characteristics of natural environment and marine ecosystem service function, the technical methodology system was established according to the principle of ecological function zoning. The offshore sea of Changxing Island is divided into three ecological function areas which are ecological protected area, ecological maintenance area and development and utilization area, accounting for 47.17%, 18.04% and 34.78%, respectively. The results of marine ecological function zoning can provide important basis for the ecological protection and construction of Changxing Island in the future. The regional industrial structure and layout can make adjustments according to the ecological environment problem in each area.
Key words:  Ocean  Ecological Functions  Zoning  Changxi Island
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