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宋厉芸1, 王广策2, 朱大玲1, 潘光华1
1.天津科技大学 海洋科学与工程学院, 天津市海洋化学与资源重点实验室;2.中国科学院 海洋研究所
用单因素分析法研究在培养基中缺乏铁、镁、微量元素液、维生素液时对阴沟肠杆菌XA-2生长的影响。实验发现,铁和镁对该菌的生长影响显著,而缺乏微量元素液、维生素液对该菌的生长影响不明显。缺铁培养时该菌在稳定期的菌浊浓度OD600nm为1.2586,缺镁培养时菌浊浓度为0.6988,仅为完全培养时菌浊浓度的三分之一,其中,镁对该菌生长的影响更显著。产氢实验表明,各因素对产氢情况的影响显著,依次为: 铁>镁>维生素液>微量元素液。当该菌利用缺铁培养基产氢时,其累计产氢量仅为44mL/L,铁元素的缺乏严重影响该菌的产氢活动。
关键词:  阴沟肠杆菌  生物制氢    
基金项目:教育部博士点基金项目(20121208110001; 天津市自然科学基金项目(12JCZDJC22200, 12JCQNJC04300, 12JCQNJC04200); 天津市海洋化学与资源重点实验室基金项目(201203); 天津科技大学科研启动基金项目(20100410)
Influence of trace elements on cell growth and hydrogen production of the salt-tolerant Enterobacter cloacae
The consequences of lack of iron, magnesium, trace nutrients and vitamin nutrients solution on the cell growth of Enterobacter cloacae XA-2 was researched by using single factor test. The results showed that iron and magnesium had significant effect on the growth of bacteria. Deficiency of trace nutrients, vitamin nutrients solution in medium had little effect on the growth of the strain. The absorbance at 600 nm of the strain in stationary phase was 1.2586 without iron and 0.6988 without magnesium in medium. The magnesium absence value was only one-third of complete medium. Compared with iron, magnesium had more significant effect on the growth of the bacterium. Hydrogen production experiments showed that the influence order of factors on hydrogen production was as follow: Fe>Mg>Vitamin nutrients>trace nutrients. In iron absence medium, cumulative hydrogen production was 44 mL/L medium. Iron deficiency had significant effect on hydrogen production of the strain.
Key words:  Enterobacter cloacae  Biohydrogen production  iron  magnesium
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